Alaisdair Peyton Diary Novels & Books (2024)

  • Alaisdair Peyton Diary


    Totally updated: A young Warrior of the Clan Peyton in pre-historic Scotland tumbles into a mystical land where he must prove his mettle as a monster hunter - he does not believe in magic, yet he is surrounded by it. He is a time traveler with quirks that the reader will understand quicker than the hero and his love interest.

  • Diary of a Slave to Queen



    *Yuri* Princess X Slave with a hidden identity'Sui, don't raise your head, and don't let yourself fall for the glamour of the Imperial Harem. Keep your head down and be as invisible as you can.'Those words were Sui's shackles ever since she could remember. This was Sui's mother's last advice before she perished.Living by these words, Sui always showed herself off as a simple servant of the Imperial Harem. From attending to the Concubines to serving the guests, she did all the tasks she was asked to.However, Sui could never curb her burning desire to learn more, and she ended up getting entangled with the one and only Imperial Princess, who had secrets of her own.______ This is Yuri so enjoy it. The rating will change.

  • Song Tan's Diary

    One-liner introduction: After transmigrating back from the Cultivation World, I've started farming and live streaming vegetable sales in my hometown!——Having failed to transcend the tribulation of the Golden Core, Song Tan returned to the modern era, only to find himself at the scene of a serial car accident. He barely survived thanks to the timely rescue of a benefactor.With that, what else was there to consider? Forget being a corporate slave, let's go back home and farm!!!With his experience in cultivation, Song Tan created a picturesque Tian Yuan, foraged for wild vegetables, cooked farm meals, picked cucumbers, started live streaming, and sold mountain delicacies...[True farming, the genuine kind of farming][There's a male lead, but he doesn't have much screen time]

  • Demon's Diary



    In a remote jungle nestled between Chu City and Whitewater City within the Da Xuan Country, a thin and frail figure was leaning against a thick tree trunk. Both of his legs were spread apart in a relaxed manner. This figure belonged to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager. Aside from his unusually pale face, the boy had fairly common facial features. His clothes were loose-fitting and a bright shining steel sword was carelessly thrown by his side.

  • Durin's Diary


    Durin stroked the black cat on the armrest of his chair, sitting on the black leather sofa. Through the glasses perched on his nose, his gaze passed over the long table in front of him and settled on the man kneeling on the carpet:"I understand, you've made money in Naples, your business has been very successful, and you've led a happy life. You've had those secret police, friends in both the law and the underground, and even the Royal Family speaking on your behalf.""You don't need a friend like me, I know that. You're afraid of owing me a favor, and you don't want to get involved in troubles.""But now you come to me and say, 'I beg you, Mr. Durin of the Corleon family, please help me seek justice, so that my life and my family will not suffer and sink into despair.'Yet, in your eyes, I was nothing more than a second-rate artist involved in movies and music. Even at the brink of death, you still show me such disrespect, not even willing to call me by my title... Keeper of Secrets."

  • Office Diaries



    Kindly go to instagram for status updates instagram: schreient_rui An Office Romance Anthology...Yanee Lee was a budding lifestyle writer. She was always aiming to become the best in her chosen field. Sadly, a brutal take over in the publishing company happened just as she was about to get it big. Worse, she found her dream job snatched away from under her nose, and she was transferred to the novel department with an ultimatum handed out by the new cold-hearted Editor-in-Chief: Write an anthology of work-related romance that would sell or get out!With the help of her friends and family, Yanee would go on an adventure to research about the best stories for her series: The Office Diaries. Join Yanee as she interviews many different people, and learn about different tales of love and life. Who knew, through this, she would also find her own love story in the form of her irritating boss, the Editor-in-Chief who gave her the ultimatum, Tohru James?Join Office Diaries' discord here: get me coffee here for my effort?

  • Diary of the Dead



    [125chaps only] [Completed]Death is such a simple and yet so complicated phenomenon. We spent all our lives trying to avoid death but eventually succumbing to it. But then what? Is everything over? Is it really the end as we imagine or all the stories about reincarnation, about ghosts are true? What happens when someone dies? There are many stories which end at death and some that extend beyond death. But my story... It begins at death. Hey everyone! I'm Chloe. I've recently become a ghost and I have no memories of my human life. Join me in my adventure where I discover my past and my future together. The adventure of a "Life" that exists beyond "Death."*PS: The cover picture is not mine, and I'll take it down if the original owner wants me to.*Check out my other story, "Across the Galaxy (Sci-fi)"I would like to thank AMRITA CHOUDHURY, A friend and a dear sister to me who helps me improve the grammar in the chapters.If you want to connect with me: Feel free to message me in:-1.Discord. ID: sillymlk#86872. Instagram ID: @silly.mlk or @zuozhe_jiemei 3.Discord group: discord to connect with other fans

  • Pervert's Diary


    Dropped. The novel didn't gain traction because I abandoned it for a long time.

  • Diary Horor



    Mereka adalah sesuatu yang tidak bisa terlihat namun terkadang bisa dirasakan. Dengan perwujudan dari berbagai bentuk, ukuran, dari yang paling bagus hingga paling buruk. Bertempat tinggal dimana saja yang tidak jauh dari manusia .Tidak kenal waktu ketika ingin menampakkan diri, malam, bahkan siangpun jadi. Apalagi jika menjelang magrib , waktu dimana antara dunia manusia dan mereka akan berbaur menjadi satu.

  • Insight On Mai Diary


    "Please..." I hear her whimper and I go into full panic mode."Calm down, okay? Deep breaths. Don't hang up. I'll be with you soon. Where are you?" I rush as I grab the car key sitting on the glass table. I run into the garage with my dad behind me."What do you need?" Dad asks"A room. A big one." He runs back inside as I hear her voice again."Basem*nt...blood...Elle..." I hear sounds of movement in the background and connect the dots. Elle's bleeding, or something..."Deep breaths baby, deep breaths. It's okay, you're okay" I murmur reassuring words to her as I speed out of the garage and into the highways, thankful that there's no traffic. Several thoughts run through my mind as I drove to her house. The last time we spoke, she could barely stand me, but now she's calling me. I feel kinda used, but now's not the time to think about that. I reach her house in a matter of minutes and shove the door open. The house is quiet, save for my heavy breathing and footsteps. I reach the basem*nt and take in the sight in front of me. Blair cradles her brutally beaten-up sister in her lap as she rocks herself back and forth blinking very frequently.

  • Futa Diaries


    A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives.This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it.Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity.All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some.Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story.This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down.Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

  • A Pastor's Daughter Diary


    Radiance Abraham, rather unexplainably, is the only daughter, actually she's the only child, of Reverend Kennedy Abraham, the senior pastor of The Redeemer's Love Church; and that comes with it's pros and cons. Her life spirals upwards, then downwards, then in zigzag motion, then as the crow flies when she becomes a Jesus freak. And by freak, I mean a truly born again, Holy Ghost baptised Christian. She's launched into the supernatural when she gets baptised in fire. By this she uncover secrets and mysteries she never knew existed.And yeah she finds true love, in friends. And meets her soul mate.Follow her special diary, which she writes in form of letters to Jesus. In her diary, you'll find Radiance's struggles, relationships, spiritual encounters, scandals and really entangled revelations about the people surrounding her.

  • Hapuch's Diary


    "Being separated was not the plan, neither was falling in love with him."A sad blow on Nathan's family throws Keren, their teenage daughter off balance. While Addison, the mysterious son of the wealthy Don Carlo, appears after 20 years.Fate caused their paths to cross at a time when Addison battled with his traumatic past. For some special reasons he was spellbound to Keren, the girl whom he found solace in. Thus, he offered her the needed support to achieve her dreams and reunite with her family.That was the plan, but it all changed, when simple lies turn deadly and every heart bore deceptive secrets. The unimaginable, wrecks not just her romance with Addison but her sole objective.The truth was no kinder neither was the lie. Face it? Run? Or leave it?To Addison, it was impossible.To Keren, it was a challenge.In the face of these challenges, will she achieve her dreams? Reunite with her family or the man she loves?**********The story is dedicated to the families separated due to immigration policies.DisclaimerHapuch's Diary is an original story and purely a work of fiction.Cover photo from Pinterest

  • psychopath diary


    "ini kisahku, seorang gadis monster yang dibentuk langsung oleh tangan mama. kehilangan papa malam itu yang merubahku menjadi monster berdarah dingin tanpa rasa takut atau rasa belas kasih. papa adalah orang yang membuat duniaku dulu berwarna, dia yang selalu ada buatku saat mama tak dirumah bersenang dengan para lelaki di luar sana tanpa memperdulikanku, dia orang yang selalu mencintaiku setiap kali mama tak memberikan rasa cinta itu, papa adalah milikku. dan mama mengambilnya dariku, saat papa mengetahui rahasia mama. dan duniaku menjadi gelap gulita. sekarang aku harus memakai topeng boneka yang manis ini dihadapan mama dan menuruti semua perintah mama, ini kulakukan untuk membalasnya, aku harus benar-benar jadi monster sampai saat aku akan membuatnya menjadi karya terbaik yang akan kupajang di museum pribadiku nanti, dan aku bisa melihat papa tersenyum saat aku berhasil menyelamatkannya dan duniaku kembali, meskipun aku ahrus membusuk dipenjara nantinya karena perbuatanku!" "tapi sebelum itu terjadi aku ingin juga berpetualang bersama kalian, mencari kelinci percobaan untuk melatihku juga dan bereksperimen dan tentu saja mencari model untuk hasil karyaku nanti, jadi ayo masuk keduniaku!""Bermain bersamaku!" "kita akan lakukan hal yang menyenangkan bersama! aku akan menjadi teman yang menyenangkan untuk kalian!""Jangan lari dariku atau kalian akan menyesal!""ikuti aku, bertemu teman-temanku, akan kuceritakan hal menarik diduniaku! kita akan berbagi cerita yang menyenangkan bersamaku, tapi kalian harus jadi boneka yang manis saat aku mulai cerita tentang diriku!""sekarang jangan katakan apa-apa, diam dan dengarkan ceritaku!" sssssttttt......

  • Ariana Peyton's Diary (Mated to an enemy)

    The sound of the gurneys almost deafen my ears, and the light from these doctors' torches is blinding me but I keep running towards the scene. It is 12 o' clock. In the midnight, I know even though I don't look at the clock over my head. With sweaty palms and terrific faces, five gurneys are wheeled towards the emergency rooms by the late night doctors. Even though their mouths are shut tight, I can hear millions of inaudible sounds coming out of them. Each of the gurneys are being wheeled by two personnels, and each time they pass me by, i peer into them to see the victims' faces clearly because I can not see them from where I am.The first face I see is badly disfigured. It's got a big mark from the forehead down to her upper eyelid, her lips are charred and her jaw is almost totally detached from the rest of her face. Hot drops of blood trickle down her head to her chest and her dress is soiled. She looks like she is no longer breathing and just as the ambulance pass by me, I see something in her hands-A red neck piece. She is clutching it tightly like it is her whole life. My red neck piece. Yes, this victim is my only sister, Jamie but I do not cry. I mean, I always want to cry but I can't. So my face is firm and peaceful, but I am screaming inside me. My legs are hitting the air and I'm ripping my hair inside of me, but outside? I am standing tall. Somehow, with all the swiftness as they pass by me, her hands shake and she loses hold of the red neck piece. As thick and shiny as my hair, our hair(hers blonde and mine black). It falls from her hands and drops at my feet just as soon as the second ambulance approaches me. I bend to pick up my red neckpiece-the one thing that binds my sister and I together but is air. I can see it on the cold tiled floor but when I try to pick it up, it is not there. I fall and shiver with the noise in my head but I cannot cry. I get up quickly to take a look at the second victim but I can't see 'its' face-the whole body is wrapped in a blue satin material that looks and smells like death. I wait for the third but it moves so fast I can't get a proper picture of her, but I do know it is a female.The fourth has blood dropping from his nose and his eyes are shut tight like he is in another world. The fifth body is wheeled upstairs and I hurriedly follow it. As I climb the staircase after them, I see a woman descending it; her countenance looks disheveled but her heart is dancing. She is jumping and laughing inside of her. When I look into her eyes, that's what I see but she does not see me pass. I stop staring at her and follow the ambulance which is now being rolled into the theatre with calculated moves. I want to see who the victim is, but they are so fast that they enter and lock the door before I can catch up.I sigh and hesitate for three minutes and then I remember the red neckpiece-the one that fell from Jamie's hands. "Jamie!" I scream in my head. Then my feet begin to move very fast down the stairs. I do not have the power to stop them from moving and they only stop at Emergency Ward 1 and I suddenly and supernaturally find myself inside without using the door.The neck piece still lay there, close to the reception. There on the bed in the emergency Ward lay my sister Jamie with her pale face and bloody body. Her left eyebrow is now gone and her nose and ears are bleeding. Her lips are still charred and a man in white coveralls keep wiping blood off her face and body every now and then. There are three men around her, plus a woman, pushing and pulling some strange machines on the wall and on the floor, to save her.The woman is placing a stethoscope on Jamie's chest. I watch her from the corner I am standing. She does it three times and then she stops, placing her head on the side of the bed which isn't bloodstained and I see, from her eyes two drops of tears fall into the soft bloodstained bed where Jamie lay. Just then, the three men stop pushing and pulling the machines, they shake their heads from side to side as if on cue and one of them proceeds to cover my sister's body with a long blue satin cloth- the same one the second victim has on his whole body. I shiver, seeing this cloth because I know it is used to wrap corpses in readiness for cremation. Suddenly I find my voice."Don't! She's not dead! Don't cover her up!" I scream. My lips shiver as reality dawns on me. My whole body utter a yelp but they do not even look at me"Hey Doctors! Jamie's my sister, she cannot die! Please save her" I mutter under my breath because raising my voice doesn't help."Pack her up quickly, the poor girl has given up" one of the men say to another and I try to cry but tears do not come. My eyes sting badly. I watch one of them roll her body like a burrito and wheel it out of the theatre. My feet scurry after him but it is all hopeless, so I soon stop going after him.I go up the stairs towards the fifth accident victim like a defeated warrior and lay my head on the door of the ward like a wounded child. For some reason, I do not want to see any more of these gory sights. So I turn to go, but, I hear a voice"Hello" I hear someone say to me. I turn around swiftly to face a tall man in white coveralls. His head has hair as black as coal and his voice sounds like several elephants trumpeting. I think he is a doctor here but I am shocked because he can see me, hear me. When he opens his mouth, I see that his teeth are very long and that his eyes shine in the dark. Dark red eyes, and with fingers that look like claws."Please sir, I need you to save my little sister. Please stop that man from taking her there. I do not want her to go there" my voice is breaking but my eyes are as dry as a tree in summer.He moves his head from side to side and opens his mouth to talk. "You're a spirit", he says, "I have noticed you roaming about in the past hour and that's why I have come up to you. I am no doctor. I am here to save you" he raises his arms and I see a tattoo on it. The tattoo of a blue werewolf.His revelation shocks me and I know I should ask, "how do you see me then? People here can't see me or hear me" but I say something else, "No sir! I can see, feel, smell and talk. I cannot only cry and that is the one thing I suffer from, how can you even call me a spirit?" I shiver again, my feet floating in the air"Your body is in there" he says pointing at the door I am leaning on."You have to go back to it please, before it is too late""Please save my sister" I plead with my eyes, ignoring his words"I need you to do this, Ariana. Please go back to your body now" he insists"My sister, Jamie..." I trail off"Save what can be saved. Go in there now" he commandsI reluctantly push the door open and just as it opens, I see the doctors about to cover the body on the bed with a long blue cloth just like the one Jamie's body's wrapped in. Just as they are about covering my face, I slip into my lifeless body.

  • Diary of an Oxygen Thief

    First he steals the oxygen from you, then he spits it back in your face. One of the most interesting andcontroversial encounters I've made through a book.referring to the independent art, literature

  • The Indescribable Diary


    As an experienced COC player, Yu Yi was successfully tricked into entering the game. As he strapped on his game watch, opened the game and flipped open the diary, an indescribable and urgent tune reverberated in his mind. Advertisem*nts, one after another, played in his mind--the largest gaming company in the universe has begun operations!  The sexy White Silk Octopus Lady is giving out candy online!  Many other Black Pharaoh recommended games for you to explore!  Get a cute Shaggoth Monster for free when you register! The Tindalos is also waiting for you to collect! Get ready for brilliant dark box operations!



    Kita sebagai makhluk hidup adalah makhluk sosial. Saling membutuhkan dan saling melengkapi. Akan tetapi kita tidak hidup sendirian. Bukan berarti hewan dan tumbuhan bukan termasuk makhluk hidup. Ya, mereka tergolong makhluk hidup juga yang hidup di Bumi. Tetapi, di sini yang di maksudkan bukanlah mereka. Kita hidup berdampingan juga dengan yang tidak kasat mata. Ya, kita mengenalnya dengan bermacam nama. Hantu, Setan, Jin dan lainnya. Setiap wilayah memiliki nama yang berbeda untuk mereka yang tidak kasat mata. Misalnya saja Kuyang. Kuyang adalah hantu kepala yang terbang dengan organ dalam tubuhnya. Sebutan Kuyang ini berasal dari Kalimantan. Berbeda dengan di Bali, di Bali Kuyang disebut dengan nama Leak. Buku ini berisikan cerita-cerita horor yang akan menemani hari-hari kalian menjadi lebih... berwarna.

  • Street Diaries


    When their mother lost her life to cancer, Kazeem, and his siblings are left with no one to care for them in a city filled with criminals and corruption.

  • Diary of The Dead Wizard


    Diary of a Dead WizardOriginal Name: 死亡巫师日记Author: Imrana ( 今奈 )Language: en---Saul traveled to a wizard world full of weirdness and crisis.In order to live well, he is determined to become a wizard against all odds.But in this terrible world, both apprentices and full-fledged wizards have to face heavy death crisis.Saul is even a key target of persecution.Fortunately, he obtained a diary that can foretell the future.However, the diary’s predicted future is all:“You bled to death."“You have become a flower fertilizer and are happy with your new form.“You died laughing at yourself.“Three years later, you became someone else’s potion material.

  • Alaisdair Peyton Diary Novels & Books (2024)
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    Author: Carmelo Roob

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    Author information

    Name: Carmelo Roob

    Birthday: 1995-01-09

    Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

    Phone: +6773780339780

    Job: Sales Executive

    Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

    Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.