- Organized Play / Pathfinder Society (2024)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide **

All playtest versions of the ten new base classes from this book are no longer legal for play as of 8/14/14. Anyone playing the playtest version of one of the ten new base classes must have updated his or her character as of 8/14/14. Updating your character means adjusting only the things that have changed, but not rebuilding the character.

Arcana: all magus arcana on page 104 are legal for play.

Archetypes: all archetypes on pages 75-133 are legal for play, except forgepriest, musketeer, packmaster, primalist, spirit summoner, and steel hound. Hex channeler, mutation warrior, and primal companion hunter are now legal for play. The free crossbow by the bolt ace's crossbow maven ability is not made of any special material and is worth 22 gp if sold.

Classes: All ten base classes are legal for play. Some classes are modified as follows:

Arcanist: The Item Crafting bonus feat is not legal for play.
Bloodrager: Replace the destined bloodline's Leadership bonus feat option with Iron Will.
Brawler: To utilize the Martial Flexibility class feature, the player must have the source book of the combat feat she wishes to utilize.
Shaman: Fetish hex replaces Craft Wondorous Item with Spell Focus. Shamans with the Nature spirit receive animal growth as a bonus spell at 10th level instead of awaken.
Skald: Skalds receive Extra Performance at 1st level instead of Scribe Scroll.
Warpriest: To select a blessing, a warpriest must worship a deity that offers the domain of the same name.

Combat Styles: all combat styles on page 118 are legal for play.

Dares: all dares on page 94 are legal for play.

Discoveries: all discoveries on page 75 are legal for play.

Equipment: all equipment and magic items on pages 202-237 are legal for play, except dust knuckles, false face, and ironbound collar of the coven. Cape of feinting, rod of abrupt hexes, and rod of voracious hexes are now legal for play.

Feats: all feats on pages 136-159 are legal for play, except Evolved Companion, Evolved Summon Monster. Animal Soul, Divine Protection, Pummeling Charge, and Spirit's Gift are now legal for play.

Misc.: Nothing in Chapter 6 is legal.

Orders: The Order of the Beast is not legal for play.

Racial Favored Class Options: all racial favored class options on pages 69-71 are legal for play.

Rages: all rages on pages 80 and 114 are legal for play.

Spells: all spells on pages 162-199 are legal for play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide **

All playtest versions of the six new base classes from this book are no longer legal for play as of 8/3/10. Anyone playing the playtest version of one of the six new base classes must have updated his or her character as of 8/3/10. Updating your character means adjusting only the things that have changed, but not rebuilding the character.

As of 4/27/15 the summoner class in this book is no longer legal for play. A summoner character that has played at least once at level 2 or higher by this date qualfies to continue using this version of the class. Otherwise, only the summoner in Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained is legal for play.

The following parts of the Advanced Player's Guide are NOT legal for play: craftsman alternate Dwarven racial trait, practicality alternate Halfling racial trait, heart of the fields alternate Human racial trait, Alchemist's Brew Potion class ability (he receives Extra Bombs instead as a bonus feat), Cavalier's Expert Trainer class ability (he receives Skill Focus [Handle Animal] instead as a bonus feat), Witch's Cauldron hex, Antipaladin alternate class, Cooperative Crafting feat, all cursed magic items and artifacts, the philter of love, and the Hero Point optional rule (and its associated feats, spells, and magic items).

Note: The nature oracle replaces awaken with animal growth. A rogue with the poisoner or spy archetype can use Craft (alchemy) to craft poison.

Equipment: All staves in Chapter 7 are not legal for play from this source. If you purchased these prior to Aug. 16, 2012, they are grandfathered into the campaign. As of March 30, 2016, the philter of love is no longer legal for play.

Traits: hedge magician, natural born leader, and rich parents traits, and all of the Campaign Traits.

The Master Alchemist feat may only be selected by Alchemists and Poisoners.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide **

To create an aasimar, catfolk, changeling, dhampir, fetchling, gillman, grippli, goblin, merfolk, ratfolk, samsaran, suli, tiefling, vanara, or vishkanya character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation. Aasimars and tieflings that were created and had at least one xp applied before August 14, 2014, remain legal for play. The boon restriction to create a kitsune, nagaji, and wayang was removed at the start of Season 6 and all three are now available for open creation. The boon restriction to create ifrits, oreads, sylphs, and undines was removed at the start of Season 8, and all four are now freely available.

Note: Alternate racial traits, racial archetypes, racial evolutions, racial feats, and racial spells are only available for characters of the associated race. Racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it (for example, only halflings can purchase and use solidsmoke pipeweed).

The new alchemist discovery on page 44 is legal for play for characters of all races.

Dwarves: all alternate racial traits, except craftsman and xenophobic, are legal for play; racial subtypes are legal for play; all favored class options except wizard are legal for play; all archetypes are legal for play. The Forgemaster's 3rd level Craft Magic Arms and Armor bonus feat is replaced with the Heavy Armor Proficiency feat. The Forgemaster's 5th level master smith ability is replaced with Skill Focus (Craft); all dwarven equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Elves: all alternate racial traits, except darkvision; all racial subtypes except arctic and dusk elves, are legal for play; all favored class options, racial archetypes, elven special materials except wyroot, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Gnomes: all alternate racial traits, racial subtypes, and favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except experimental gunsmith are legal for play; all gnome equipment, feats, and spells are legal for play; all gnome magic items except amazing tools of manufacture are legal for play; Ring of craft magic may be used for Day Job checks.

Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play; all racial subtypes except drow-descended are legal for play; all favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except wild caller are legal for play. For the bonded witch archetype, energy siege shot is replaced with resounding shot (Advanced Player's Guide 238) at 10th level and arcane cannon is replaced with fire brand (Advanced Player's Guide 222) at 14th level under the bonded item weapon entry; all half-elven equipment, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all half-elven feats except Half-Drow Paragon are legal for play.

Half-Orcs: all alternate racial traits, racial subtypes, and favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except blood god disciple and hateful rager are legal for play; all half-orc equipment is legal for play; all half-orc feats except Tenacious Survivor is legal for play; all half-orc magic items are legal for play; all half-orc spells except half-blood extraction are legal for play

Halflings: all alternate racial traits except Practicality are legal for play; all racial subtypes, favored class options, racial archetypes, orders, equipment, feats, and magic items are legal for play.

Humans: all alternate racial traits except heart of the fields and heroic are legal for play; all racial subtypes, except trailblazer, are legal for play; all favored class options, feats, equipment, and spells are legal for play; all racial archetypes and bloodlines except buccaneer and feral child are legal for play.

In Chapter 2, nothing from the catfolk, drow, hobgoblins, kobolds, and orcs entries are currently legal for play.

Aasimars: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Catfolk: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, rogue talents, and spells are legal for play.

Dhampirs: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment except vampire slayer's kit, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all dhampir feats except Blood Drinker, Blood Feaster, Blood Salvage, and Diverse Palate are legal for play.

Fetchling: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, archetypes except shadow caller, evolutions, equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Goblins: all alternate racial traits, goblin discoveries, favored class options, archetypes, equipment, feats, magic items, and spells except vomit twin are legal for play.

Ifrits: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Oreads: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play. The shaitan binder archetype can be applied to an unchained summoner; however, the summoner must select elemental (earth) for his eidolon's subtype.

Ratfolk: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial discoveries, equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Samsaran: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play. Any spell selected with the mystic past life alternate racial trait must follow the same guideline used for determining the spell level for a scroll found on page 25 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide.

Sylphs: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Tengus: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Tieflings: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all racial archetypes except Fiendish Vessel are legal for play.

Undines: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

In Chapter 3, nothing from the duergar, gillmen, merfolk, strix, and svirfneblin, entries are currently legal for play.

The rogue talents on page 193 are legal for play for characters of all races.

Changelings: All alternate racial traits, favored class options, archetypes, feats, and spells are legal for play.

Gillman: All alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, and racial spells are legal for play.

Gripplis: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, racial discoveries, racial magic items, and racial feats are legal for play.

Kitsune: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial feats, and magic items are legal for play.

Merfolk: All alternate reacial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial feats, equipment, and magic items are legal for play.

Nagaji: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial feats, and magic items are legal for play.

Suli: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, and spells are legal for play.

Vanara: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Vishkanyas: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play.

Wayangs: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spell are legal for play.

Nothing in Chapter 4 is legal for play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild does not limit access to material in this book based on affiliation, effectively using the Full Access option on page 5 of this book.

Archetypes: All archetypes in this book are legal for play. Pending the Pathfinder Reference Document update, the Aldori defender replaces the Aldori swordlord archetype from Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer. A mantis zealot does not need to be lawful evil. The ringleader archetypes in this book and Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue are different archetypes.

Equipment: All equipment and magic items in this book are legal for play except the Aspis badge of last resort, branding iron, mantis blade, mask of the mantis, ring of retreat, rose knight's blade, and storm kindler's rod.

Feats: All feats in this book are legal for play except Aspis Partner, Fanged Crown Massacre, and Redistributed Might.

Prestige Classes: The prestige classes in this book are legal for play except the Aspis agent and Red Mantis assassin. A cyphermage replaces any Spell Focus feat for Scribe Scroll as a prerequisite, and may not choose the swift scrivener ability from the list of available cypher lore. A sanguine angel does not need to be female. The student of perfection is a valid prestige class for unchained monks, not the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook version of the monk; the prestige class uses the Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained versions of all cited monk abilities.

Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play except Deivon's parry.

Misc.: The focused arcane spell schools, investigator talents, psychic discipline, rogue talents, and shaman spirit are legal for play. The order of the asp cavalier order, the Twice-Damned Prince legendary spirit, Thassilonian magic, Thassilonian specialist options are not legal for play.

Contents in this book will appear in an upcoming update of the Pathfinder Reference Document, at which point the versions in this book will replace any earlier versions (see the list below); at that time, characters are expected to update to use the new rules or rebuild as laid out in Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. Modified gear—including ioun stones whose resonance powers changed—can be sold back at its full market price. Further updates and allowances specific to a particular character option may appear in the Pathfinder Society General Discussion forum on Until then, both versions of the character option are legal for play.

The following character options have received updates since they appeared in earlier publications, and characters must use these updated versions (pending the Pathfinder Rules Document update): brand of conformity, brand of hobbling, brand of tracking, Eagle Knight dress uniform, enlightened bloodrager, golden eagle epaulets, Golden Legionnaire, hellknight barding, lore warden, mammoth hide, Mounted Blade, Pathfinder savant, Qadiran horselord, Ritual Mask, shackle, Steel Falcon, talonstrike sword, Tribal Hunter, Tribal Scars, and wayfinder resonance. Earlier sources in which these rules originally appeared remain a legal source for accessing these updated character options.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary

Animal Companions: ankylosaurus, aurochs, brachiosaurus, dire bat, dire rat, dolphin, elasmosaurus, electric eel, elephant/mastodon, frog, giant toad, goblin dog, hyena, monitor lizard, moray eel, octopus, orca, pteranodon, rhinoceros, roc, squid, stegosaurus, triceratops, and tyrannosaurus; Familiars: all familiars listed on pages 131-133, and imp, pseudodragon, quasit; Feats: none of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source; Other: all creatures in this book are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the linguistics skill, except aboleth and drow sign language.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2

Animal Companions: baboon, compsognathus, gar, glyptodon, hippopotamus, manta ray, megaloceros, megatherium, ram, giant snapping turtle, stingray, tylosaurus; Familiars: arbiter inevitable, brownie, cassisian angel, cacodaemon, compsognathus, cythnigot qlippoth, lyraken azata, paracletus aeon, silvanshee agathion, snapping turtle, voidworm protean; Feats: none of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source; Other: all creatures in this book are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the linguistics skill.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 3

Animal Companions (p. 311): antelope, axe beak, baluchitherium, basilosaurus, dimetrodon, elk, giant chameleon, giant gecko, giant vulture, kangaroo, megalania, pachycephalosaurus, thylacine; Familiars: all familiars listed on pages 112-113 and the carbuncle, harbinger archon, skunk, sprite and zoog; Feats: none of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source; Other: all creatures in this book are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the linguistics skill, except flail snail.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4

Animal Companions (p. 311): dimorphodon, giant seahorse, giant tortoise, giant weasel, giraffe, stag, styracosaurus, trumpeter swan, velociraptor, and walrus are legal for play; Gods: The demon lords and emypreal lords are legal choices as divine patrons. Familiars: all familiars listed on pages 96-97 and the almirajes, giant flea, greensting scorpion, nosoi psychopomp, nycar, pooka, and scarlet spider are legal for play; Feats: none of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source; Other: all creatures in this book are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the linguistics skill. The domains and subdomains in this book are legal for play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5

Animal Companions: The blue whale, cameroceras, ceratosaurus, chalicotherium, digmaul, kaprosuchus, moa, narwhal, plesiosaurus, therizinosaurus, troodon, and uintatherium are legal for play. The wolliped is a legal choice for triaxian PCs, who may select it in place of a horse animal companion. Familiars: The brain mole, chuspiki, clockwork familiar, liminal sprite, wysp, xiao, and all familiars listed and pages 112-113 are legal for play; a chuspiki's air blast ability always functions as if it were a 3rd-level kineticist. Feats: None of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source. Other: All creatures in this book are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the Linguistics skill.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 **

Animal Companions: The amargasaurus, deinotherium, devil monkey, dunkleosteus, elasmotherium, giant raven, gigantosaurus, kentrosaurus, quetzalcoatlus, and titanoboa are all legal for play. Gods: The archdevils, emypreal lords, Green Man, and Horsem*n of the Apocalypse are legal choices as divine patrons. Familiars: The mockingfey is a legal familiar. Feats: None of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source. Other: All creatures in this book—except the blight (any), deathsnatcher, Euryale, fen mauler, green man, mezlan, rawhead, and vespergaunt—are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the Linguistics skill. The domains and subdomains in this book are legal for play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Book of the Damned

Deities: A PC may select any archdevil, demon lord (not a nascent demon lord), or Horseman in this book as his divine patron. Domains: The domains and subdomains in this book are legal for play except Arson. Equipment: The candle of Abaddon, spiteful shield, thantotic plate, thanatotic visage, and war razor are legal for play. Feats: The Chain Mastery and Deadly Horns feats are legal for play. Monsters: bushyashtas, deinochoses, executioner devils, oitoses, nikaramsas, nucols, and sepsidaemons, can be conjured using conjuration (calling) spells. Prestige Classes: None of the prestige classes in this book are legal for play, though the diabolist in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of Darkness remains legal for play. Spells: The awaken the devoured, Charon's dispensation, lash of the astradaemon, parasitic soul, soul transfer, and waters of Lamashtu spells are legal for play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures

Alternate Racial Traits: All alternative racial traits in this book are legal for play except deep jungle and rationalize.

Archetypes: All archetypes in this book are legal for play except blood alchemist, bloody jake, dark elementalist, devolutionist, elder mythos cultist, experimenter, family hunter, gaslighter, gingerbread witch, hate-monger, life channeler, mad scientist, necrologist, serial killer, and undead master; the experimenter archetype grants Skill Focus (Craft [alchemy], Disguise, or Knowledge [engineering]) at 3rd level and 11th level as bonus feats instead of Brew Potion and Craft Construct.

Feats: All feats in this book are legal for play except Blood Feast, Bouncing Spell-Like Ability, Consume Essence, Disruptive Spell-Like Ability, Enemy Cult, Engulf Horror, Engulf Revulsion, Exsanguinate, Fearsome Spell-Like Ability, Fleshwarper, Ghost Guide, Gruesome Shape, Horrific Gorging, Intensified Spell-Like Ability, Latching Horror, Lingering Spell-Like Ability, Protector of the People, Reach Spell-Like Ability, Sacrificial Adept, Sacrificial Ritualist, Scarring Spell-Like Ability, Sickening Spell-Like Ability, Skin Suit, Spawnlink, Touch of Evil, Traumatic Spell-Like Ability, and Twisted Love.

Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play except blood ties, borrow corruption, charnel house, contact entity (any), curse of fell seasons, curse of the night, cursed terrain (any), greater assume appearance, hunger for flesh (any), maze of madness and suffering, plundered power, sacramental seal, sense madness, slough, and vile dog transformation.

Equipment: All items in this book is legal for play except black heart, crimson altar, dark lens altar, sacrificial dagger, screaming blade, and all torture implements; the only available plague powder imparts filth fever.

Miscellaneous: The barbarian rage powers, cleric domains (and subdomains), kineticist wild talents, and witch patrons are legal for play; replace the nightmare witch patron's 6th-level spell dream travel with greater oneiric horrorOA. The levels of fear on page 10 are used only when specifically cited by spells or other character options. Corruptions, sanity, and other subsystems are not used except where specifically cited in adventures and boons.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex

To create a goblin or ratfolk character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation. None of the other races in this book are legal choices for character creation. Other character options are legal choices for all PCs as noted below in each race section.

Boggards: venomsweat salve is legal for play.

Bugbears: all feats on pages 20-21 are legal for play except Hurtful and Pile On; these were removed as legal options on July 29, 2015. The isolate spell is legal for play.

Drow: caver's bolt is legal for play.

Duergar: slaver's crossbow is legal for play. The ironskin spell is removed as a legal option from play on July 9, 2015.

Fire Giants: the burning and steaming weapon special abilities are legal for play. The apocalypse oracle mystery is legal for play.

Frost Giants: the ice slick spell is legal for play. The fog-cutting lenses and winter wolf runetooth are legal for play.

Ghoul: the ghoul sorcerer bloodline is legal. The hungry earth spell is legal for play.

Goblins: Everything from this section is legal only for goblin PCs, except the infested oracle curse. Non-goblin PCs may not use anything in this section.

Hobgoblins: Motivated March and Spirit of the Corps are legal feats for play; Chain Challenge was removed as a legal option on July 29, 2015. The grenadier archetype is legal for play. All equipment on page 117 is legal for play. The yzobu is added as a legal animal companion.

Kobolds: nothing from this section is legal for play.

Lizardfolk: Only nagaji characters may take legal choices from this section. Non-nagaji PCs may not use anything from this section. The cold-blooded oracle curse is legal for play. The endothermic touch spell is legal for play.

Ogres: nothing from this section is legal for play.

Orcs: nothing from this section is legal for play.

Ratfolk: Only ratfolk characters may take legal choices from this section. Non-ratfolk PCs may not use anything from this section. Everything in this section is legal for play.

Sahuagin: aqautic advantage feat is legal for play. Air breathing and blood in the water spells are legal for play.

Serpentfolk: nothing from this section is legal for play.

Troglodytes: swarm of fangs spell is legal for play. Cave dweller's greataxe is legal for play.

Trolls: trial of fire and acid spell is legal for play. Cloak of the troll king and gauntlets of rending are legal for play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex

The 1st and 7th level iconic characters found on pages 274-297 may be used in place of the downloadable pregenerated characters found on The 12th level iconics are not permitted for PFS play. The text in the box on page 275 should be noted before using the iconic characters. The animal companions on pages 298-307 may be used as long as the character meets all the prerequisites to obtain an animal companion.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures **

All playtest versions of the six new base classes from this book are no longer legal for play as of 7/29/15. Anyone playing the playtest version of one of the six new base classes must have updated his or her character as of 7/29/15. Updating the character means retraining any levels in that occult class, adjusting any class features, taking class-appropriate archetypes, and reassigning any skill ranks, feats, traits, or favored class bonuses. As part of the retraining process, such a PC may also sell back any equipment that does not use charges at its full market price (or the price she paid, whichever is lower).

Archetypes: All archetypes on pages 88-125 are legal for play, except the cult master and psychic duelist. The reanimated medium (page 93) disregards the second paragraph of the channel self ability. The promethean alchemist (page 112) gains Skill Focus (Craft [alchemy] or Knowledge [arcana]) as a bonus feat instead of the promethean disciple discovery at 1st level; this still replaces both Brew Potion and Throw Anything. The ectochymist gains Skill Focus (Craft [alchemy] or Knowledge [religion]) as a bonus feat in place of Brew Potion.

Bloodlines: The sorcerer bloodlines on pages 124-125 are legal for play. Replace the 5th-level bonus spell ghost whip with spectral hand.

Classes: All six base classes are legal for play. Some classes are modified as follows:

Medium: A medium may not perform actions that would allow a spirit to attain 5 or more points of influence over him. A reanimated medium (page 93) disregards this limit.

Psychic: Replace the 8th-level bonus spell dream voyage with euphoric tranquilityUM.

Discovery: The promethean disciple discovery on page 112 is not legal for play.

Equipment: All equipment and magic items on pages 248-265 are legal for play, except ganji doll (normal and greater), haunted doll, spirit mirror, and waxen image. The cursed items and artifacts on pages 265-269 are not legal for play.

Feats: All feats on pages 128-141 are legal for play, except Alter Binary Mindscape, Lucid Dreamer, Psychic Combatant, Psychic Defender, Shatter Mental Mask, and Third Eye.

Misc.: Chakras on pages 200-201 are legal for play. Psychic duels and associated mechanics are not legal for play. Possession rules on pages 206-207 are legal for play as an extension of possession-related spells and effects. Occult rituals on pages 208-215 are not legal for play. Nothing in Chapter 6 is legal for play.

Orders: The cavalier orders on pages 116-117 are legal for play.

Patrons: The patrons on page 125 are legal for play. Replace the 8th-level bonus spell create mindscape with mindwipe, and replace the 12th-level bonus spell greater create mindscape with mind swap.

Racial Favored Class Options: All racial favored class options on pages 84-85 are legal for play.

Skill Unlocks: All psychic skill unlocks on pages 194-197 are legal for play.

Spells: All spells on pages 144-191 are legal for play, except awaken construct, create mindscape, dream travel, dream voyage, ghost whip, greater create mindscape, and instigate psychic duel.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Pathfinder Unchained

The following parts of Pathfinder Unchained are legal for play:

Classes: all classes on pages 8-39 are legal for play; Skill Unlocks: the skill unlocks and Signature Skill feat are only available through the rogue's edge class ability.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Planar Adventures**

Archetypes: The archetypes in the book are legal for play except Azatariel, Dreamthief, and Progenitor. An idealist must select a plane for which the planar bond ability lists the three granted spells. Equipment: The equipment and magic items in this book are legal for play except anointed holy symbol, gug hide, soultether ring, and metamagic rods of Authoritative Spell and Stygian Spell. Feats: The feats in this book are legal for play except Authoritative Spell, Channel Deific Essence, Healer’s Hands, Primal Bloom, Stygian Spell, and Tempting Bargain. To qualify to take the Planar Infusion feat, a PC must first participate in an adventure that takes place partially on the plane and successfully complete at least one encounter on that plane. Afterward, the PC can spend her Downtime and 2 PP to attune herself to that plane. She must also select a legal planar infusion (see below). Spells: The spells in this book are legal for play. In the invoke deity spell, the Death, Healing, Luck, and Rune domains are not legal options. Misc.: The planar tuning rules on pages 85-86 are not legal for play. Instead, as specified in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, PCs receive free tuning forks from the Grand Lodge keyed to the Material Plane and all other planes of the Inner and Outer Spheres. They cannot obtain tuning forks keyed to dimensions (such as the Dimension of Dreams) or to demiplanes (such as the Hao Jin Tapestry). Planar infusions are legal for all character options that reference them except the basic and improved infusions for the Abaddon and the Positive Energy Plane, as well as the greater infusions for Abaddon, Axis, Cynosure, Leng, and the Positive Energy Plane. A ganzi may select any of the oddities in this book except chaos champion or weaponplay in place of the quibble racial ability. A ganzi may also pay 2 Prestige Points between adventures to replace their oddity with another legal oddity. A ganzi may select any of the oddities in this book in place of the quibble racial ability. A ganzi may also pay 2 Prestige Points between adventures to replace their oddity with another legal oddity.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign

Refer to the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide for rules on utilizing character retraining.

Note: Race traits are only available for characters of the associated race. Religion traits are only available for characters of the associated religion.

Traits: all traits listed on pages 51-64 are legal for play except corpse cannibal, hedge magician, natural-born leader, rich parents, and unblemished barrel.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat **

The playtest versions of the gunslinger, ninja, and samurai are no longer legal for play as of 8/4/11.

All material from this book is legal for play except as noted below. Some rules elements are legal but function differently in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, as described.

Gunslinger: A gunslinger's starting gun (granted by the gunsmith class feature) is worth 22 gp if sold (the average of 4d10). A gunslinger begins each scenario with her Wisdom modifier in grit (or her maximum grit if she has the Extra Grit feat). Any additional grit earned above her starting grit does not carry over past the scenario's conclusion. The Daring Act optional rule is not used in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign.

Samurai: A samurai who changes his order must inform the GM of the change at the start of each scenario during the entire level in which he receives no benefits from his order, getting GM initials in the items purchased/conditions removed section of each Chronicle until he has earned 3 XP as an orderless samurai. A samurai who adopts the way of the ronin must have his GM initial such a change on his Chronicle when the decision to change orders is made. All samurais belonging to the Ronin order treat the three tenets of the Pathfinder Society (explore, report, and cooperate) as their edicts as outlined in Seekers of Secrets. A samurai may only choose from the listed animals for his mount.

Alchemist: The poison conversion discovery and siege bombs discovery are not legal for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Barbarian: The wild rager archetype is not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The true primitive archetype is removed as a legal option from play on July 9, 2015.

Cavalier: The musketeer archetype is not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Fighter: The gladiator archetype is not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Inquisitor: Inquisitions from Ultimate Combat are not legal for play.

Magus: A soul forger magus can add his magus level to Craft checks as part of a Day Job check, but may not craft magic or mundane items for use in scenarios or for resale.

Paladin: The knight of the sepulcher and holy gun archetypes are not legal for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Ranger: The trophy hunter archetype is not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Rogue: The black market connections rogue talent and the driver archetype are not legal for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Wizard: The siege mage and spellslinger archetypes are not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Feats: The following feats are not allowed in Pathfinder Society Organized Play: Expert Driver, Field Repair, Master Combat Performer, Master Siege Engineer, Performance Weapon Master, Performing Combatant, Secret Stash Deed, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, Siege Gunner, Skilled Driver, and all performance feats.

The following two feats function differently in Pathfinder Society Organized Play than they do in regular games:

Gunsmithing does not grant the ability to craft firearms, ammunition, or black powder. Rather, it allows the purchase of bullets, pellets, black powder, and alchemical cartridges (with 1 rank in Craft [alchemy]) at the listed price, but does not grant a discount on the purchase of any firearm. Resold items gained through this feat are worth half the actual cost paid, not half the regular market value for the item. No PC can purchase a gun without this feat, even if they possess the Amateur Gunslinger or Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feats.

A cavalier of 4th level or higher may take the Horse Master trait, ignoring the expert trainer class feature. A cavalier who trades this class feature for another as part of an archetype can not take the Horse Master feat.

Equipment: No Large or larger firearm is available for purchase. The double hackbut, culverin and any advanced firearms on Table 3-4 and advanced firearms on Table 3-5 and are not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. No character may purchase a firearm unless she possesses the Gunsmithing feat and firearms are never considered Always Available; a character must possess enough Fame to purchase any firearm not found on a Chronicle sheet or granted by a class feature; All ammunition except metal cartridges may be purchased.

Spells: All spells in chapter 6 are legal for play except the following: arcane cannon, energy siege shot, greater energy siege shot, greater magic siege engine, and magic siege engine.

Other: Unless prompted in a scenario or granted by a Chronicle, the rules for duels, performance combat, and siege engines, and all variant rules in Chapter 5 are not used in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment

All items from Chapter 1 are legal for play except as noted below. Some rules elements are legal but function differently in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, as described here.

Equipment: No Large or larger firearm is available for purchase. The double hackbut, culverin and any advanced firearms on Table 1-10 are not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. No character may purchase a firearm unless she possesses the Gunsmithing feat and firearms are never considered Always Available; a character must possess enough Fame to purchase any firearm not found on a Chronicle sheet or granted by a class feature. All ammunition except metal cartridges may be purchased.

Special Materials: All special materials, except angel skin, living steel and wyroot, are legal for play. Following recent errata, the scorpion whip in this book is now legal for play.

All items from Chapter 2 are legal for play except as noted below.

Equipment: Only creatures of the animal type of size Large and smaller may be purchased. No eggs are legal for play. A PC can only purchase an animal, mount, or similar creature if its Challenge Rating is lower than that character's level; creatures with a Challenge Rating of 1 or lower are exempt from this restriction, as are horses. Animal-related gear on pages 80-86 is available for purchase. Transports on pages 86-87 are not available for purchase. All alchemical remedies, alchemical tools, alchemical weapons, clothing, entertainment items, and food and drink are legal for play.

Any character with the Poison Use class ability can purchase and use poisons. For now, they are the only classes that have a list of "always available poisons" (those noted below)—no other class may purchase poisons unless they appear on a Chronicle sheet or in another legal source. Alchemists, ninja, and poisoner rogues may only purchase the following poisons: black adder venom, bloodroot, giant wasp poison, greenblood oil, large scorpion venom, malyass root paste, Medium spider venom, nitharit, shadow essence, small centipede poison, terinav root.

All items from Chapter 3 are legal for play except as noted below.

All armor special abilities on pages 114-123, except dastard, are legal for play.

All specific magic armor on pages 124-129, except breastplate of vanishing, catskin leather, demon armor, enchanted eelskin, hamatula hide, mail of malevolence, morlock hide, otyugh hide, scarab breastplate, and warden of the woods are legal for play.

All specific magic shields on pages 130-133, except avalanche shield, belligerent shield, celestial shield, dragonslayer's shield, elysian shield, living steel heavy shield, tempest shield, volcanic shield, wyrmslayer's shield, and zombie skin shield are legal for play.

All weapon special abilities on pages 134-149, except unholy, are legal for play.

All specific magic weapons on pages 150-163, except bastard's sting, blade of the rising sun, blade of the sword-saint, cutthroat's apprentice, dagger of doubling, dragoncatch guisarme, earthenflail, hellscourge, lash of the howler, nine lives stealer, pistol of the infinite sky, polarity hammer, spider's fang, and ten-ring sword, are legal All items from Chapter 4 are legal for play except as noted below.

All rings on pages 166-177 are legal for play.

All rods on pages 178-191, except rod of the viper, are legal for play.

All staves on pages 192-203, except unholy staff, are legal for play.

All items from Chapter 5 are legal for play except as noted below.

Equipment: All items on pages 208-325, except ampoule of false blood, beneficial bandolier, bone razor, bracers of falcon's aim, cauldron of the undead, collar of the true companion, darkskull, horn of evil, otherworldly kimono, orb of foul abaddon, quick runner's shirt, robe of the archmagi (black), stalker's mask and talons of Leng are legal for play. As of March 30, 2016, the philter of love is no longer legal for play. As of July 19, 2016, bracers of falcon's aim and quickrunner's shirt are legal for play.

Nothing from Chapter 6 is legal for play unless it appears on a Chronicle sheet.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue

All playtest versions of the vigilante from this book are no longer legal for play as of 3/30/16. Anyone playing the playtest version must have updated his or her character as of 3/30/16. Updating the character means retraining any vigilante levels, adjusting any class features, taking class-appropriate archetypes, and reassigning any skill ranks, feats, traits, or favored class bonuses. As part of the retraining process, such a PC may also sell back any equipment that does not use charges at its full market price (or the price she paid, whichever is lower).

Archetypes: All archetypes in this book are legal for play except the brute, cipher, daring general, guild agent, gunmaster, hallucinist, majordomo, tyrant, warlord, zeitgeist. The interrogator alchemist archetype grants Skill Focus (Intimidate or Sense Motive) as a bonus feat instead of Extra Bombs. The metamorph alchemist archetype grants Skill Focus (Climb, Disguise, Fly, or Swim) as a bonus feat instead of Extra Bombs.

Class: The vigilante class and its favored class options are legal for play.

Equipment: All equipment, weapons, and magic items in this book are legal for play except the mask of stolen mien.

Feats: All feats in this book are legal for play except Entreating Critical, Eye for Ingredients, Feign Curse, Piercing Grapple, and the variant leadership feats in Chapter 3.

Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play except false resurrection, greater break, greater false resurrection, matchmaker, prognostication, reincarnate spy, treacherous teleport, and true prognostication.

Talents: The social and vigilante talents are legal for play except double time and in vogue. The in vogue social talent doubles the gold earned when using Craft or Profession for a Day Job, and the celebrity discount talent cannot be combined with other effects to reduce an item's cost below 85% normal.

Misc.: The inquisitions, oracle mystery, ranger combat style, rogue talents, and wild talents in this book are legal for play. The rogue talents are available to both rogues and unchained rogues.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic **

Anyone playing the magus playtest version must have updated his or her character as of 5/19/11. The following are NOT legal for play:

Alternate class abilities: alchemical simulacrum discovery, alchemical zombie discovery, doppelganger simulacrum discovery, and greater alchemical simulacrum discovery are not legal for play.

Archetypes: broodmaster summoner, clone master alchemist, gravewalker witch, pack lord druid, master summoner, reincarnated druid, sanguine wildblooded, synthesist summoner, undead lord cleric, vivisectionist alchemist archetypes are not legal for play.

Discoveries: arcane builder arcane discovery, golem constructor arcane discovery, true name arcane discovery, staff-like wand arcane discovery are not legal for play.

Feats: Blighted Critical, Create Reliquary Arms and Shield, Create Sanguine Elixir are not legal for play.

Hexes: child scent hex, poison steep hex, cook people major hex, and witch's brew major hex are not legal for play.

The following function differently than written in the sourcebook:

Bottled ooze discovery may only be used to bottle oozes which appear in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary.

Geisha bard archetype grants Spell Focus instead of Scribe Scroll.

Clerics using alternate channeling rules who worship a deity not listed in the Core Rulebook must provide a copy of the source in which their god's portfolio is listed.

Clostered Cleric archetype grants Spell Focus at 4th level in place of Scribe Scroll.

An ex-Inquisitor may not replace existing class abilities with those granted by the Heretic inquisitor.

A broken monk vow only requires a casting of atonement to be renewed.

The Time oracle mystery grants hold monster at 10th level in place of permanency.

Evolutionist summoners may only mutate an eidolon between sessions.

Familiars: all familiars in Chapter 2 and all improved familiars on page 251 are legal;

Spells: all spells are legal for play except blood transcription and those which grant a spellblight (such as curse of magic negation or steal voice);

Other: No content from Chapter 2 is legal for play except new familiars; Words of Power are also forbidden.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

To create a gathlain, ghoran, or vine leshy character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation.

Note: Alternate racial traits, racial archetypes, racial feats, and racial spells are only available for characters of the associated race. Except for giant bees and wing hooks (usable only by gathlain PCs), racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it (for example, one needs wings that grant a fly speed to use a harness of grabbing vines).

Class: The shifter class is legal for play. Only the aspects detailed in this book and allowed by later publications are legal for play; custom aspects are unavailable.

Alternate Racial Traits: The alternate racial traits in this book are legal for play except martial recollection and spelleater.

Archetypes: The archetypes in the book are legal for play except blighted defiler, blighted myrmidon, fiendflesh shifter, flood walker, rageshaper, raging cannibal, verdant grappler, wildborn, wild soul. The forest preserve archetype's sacred botany ability does not add awaken to the paladin's spell list. The herb witch must select the healing hex at 2nd level in place of the cauldron hex.

Contents in this book will appear in an upcoming update of the Pathfinder Rules Document (, at which point the versions of the viking archetype in this book will replace any earlier versions; at that time, characters are expected to update to use the new rules or rebuild as laid out in Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. Until then, both versions of the character option are legal for play. Earlier sources in which these rules originally appeared remain a legal source for accessing these updated character options.

Companions: The animal companions, familiars, plant companions, and vermin companions in this book are legal for play except ioun wyrd. The expanded companion options for cavaliers, paladins, and rangers on page 178 are legal. Plant companions are available only as allowed by specific archetypes or other options. The magic item slots table on pages 176–177 is legal for play with two exceptions: a flying fox familiar uses the avian body type, and the quadruped (short legs) body type gains a saddle slot (see the rules found in the Organized Play FAQ).

Companion Archetypes: The archetypes for animal companions and familiars in this book are legal for play. Animal companions can trade out the multiattack ability when qualifying for an archetype, even if multiattack does not benefit them; this is a campaign-specific decision that contradicts the details on page 186. An auspice companion's deity must match that of its master, if any, and the companion can select a qualifying subdomain ability. A grizzly bear animal companion can qualify for and be subject to boons as though it were a bear animal companion.

See the Organized Play FAQ for additional information about what equipment animal companions and familiars can use.

Equipment: The equipment, magic items, and magic plants in this book are legal for play except alchemical pheromones, cloudthorn venom, fairy cap, grabbing vine, helping hands vine, portal oak, propagation pod, seeing slime, starving nettle, and tree of woe. The hunter's stand is legal for play, but the camouflage blind is not available. A PC cannot grow a vine leshy. Purchased herbs in this book do not spoil or expire with time.

Favored Class Options: Favored class options in this book are legal for play.

Feats: The feats in this book are legal for play except Cultivate Magic Plants, Expert Cartographer, Expert Explorer, Expert Salvager, Hide Worker, Mutated Shape, Natural Poison Antitoxin, Sproutling, Wild Growth Hex, and Wood Crafter. Eidolon Mount is only available to unchained eidolons.

Gods: The deities in this book are legal for play.

Races: To create a gathlain, ghoran, or vine leshy character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation.

Spells: The spells in this book are legal for play except forest's sense, and grasping vine. Vine strike is now legal for play.

Tricks: The tricks in this book are legal for play except mark territory. The poison from the milk venom trick cannot be preserved.

Misc.: The alchemist discoveries, barbarian rage powers, bloodrager bloodline, cavalier order, disaster blessings (for warpriests of evil deities only), druid domains, eidolon subtype, investigator talents (for star watchers only), kineticist wild talents, psychic disciplines, shaman spirit, slayer talents, subdomain, witch hexes, witch patrons in this book are legal for play. The horoscopic scrolls talent increases the saving throw DC of any spell the star watcher casts from a scroll by 1 instead of gaining Scribe Scroll. The symbiosis psychic discipline grants animal growth as a bonus spell in place of awaken.

The harvesting poison subsystem is legal for play, but a PC cannot use this subsystem to preserve poisons or create antivenom; all harvested poisons lose their potency by the end of the adventure. The herbalism subsystem is not legal for play; instead a PC with at least one rank in Craft (alchemy) and 1 rank in either Knowledge (nature) or Profession (herbalist) can purchase the herbs in this book at a 10% discount that does not stack with other discounts; if a PC's ranks in these skills are 5 or higher, the discount increases to 15%, and if a PC's ranks in these skills are 10 or higher, the discount increases to 20%

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Villain Codex **

Archetypes: The archetypes in this book are legal for play except voice of the void. The hellcat is not a valid archetype for unchained monks. Equipment: The equipment in this book is legal for play except battle strider's boots, branding iron of tracking, darkness arrow, diabolus bell, eyes of the damned, hood's flair, ivory succubus, necklace of stolen breath, pallid suspension, ring of rulership, and rod of burning blood. Feats: The feats in this book are legal for play except Craft Shoddy Item and Two-Weapon Grace. Spells: The spells in this book are legal for play except amnesia and fool's gold. Misc.: The artifacts, rituals, and templates are not legal for play. Alchemist discoveries, oracle mysteries, oracle curses, and rage powers are legal for play. The order of the whip is not legal for play. - Organized Play / Pathfinder Society (2024)
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