The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

SUNDAY, JUNL IS, 1553 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR FN change lie Week's On i ork Stock NEW YORK (API-Following Is 0 com pte'i record of the stocks trorjed loll 96 I. Sioul'Frts 50 Studeboker uurGos .68 m. 1 SO TWENTY MOST ACTIVE STOCKS Ooeiiko 1 OrangpRk Otis Elev Outb Mar Outlet Co 106 26' 1 26 26- 2'4 33 3S 2 158 3't 13.4 13- 23 31 "3 30 30H- stl 40 16' 15' 1 16 1 X2I5 23 22 22' week on the New York Sloik Exchange giving the Individual sa'es tor the week .65 NEW YORK (AP) Week's twenty most active stocks. week hqh. low and last prices and the net change from me previous week 5 50 5u- l't 63 52-: tlnse.

19' 3 2' 3 448 23 Soii Net 18'i 63 15' 62', 58 '1 29 31 63'i II 49i 4 294 20 48 65 53' 3 51 52 1 18 7 64 "1 87 lVa 66 4'i 59i i 30'. 32'! V. 2 BUi- 3 24'i 2 23', IVi 30' 4 20' 52'. 4'. '7 tide High Low Last Chq A 88 28 26 26 51 52'i Vl up 1 iuCrest .60 SunChem .40 Sun Oil I Sunasco Sunbeam 1,16 Sunas pf I.6S Sundstnd 120 Sunray 1.40a SunshMng .50 SuoerOil Sw It Co 2 Swingline .70 SymWoy 1.30 120 5 3 4.1? 30 29 29'.

7 14'! 14'. 'i S'l 3." XV) V1. 'i 3'4 76'. 74'. 25 Tl S7 IV.

13'. si1. v)' w'i 174 4 i 44 44', .19 78 78 78 ArncusF SOI Ahhott tat I ARC Con 80 Abe 1 741 Ind Acme Mr. AdomE 2 14 Ad Mi 1966 Week Nef High Low Sales Hgh Low Cose Clig. T.

Benquet 1,014 SOO 1'. 7', 2 '1 25 17'i Sperry Rand 776,400 24'. 77'. 1''! 38'. 26 Control Data 701,100 37.

17', 2H 9T, 47'. SCM Corp 660,500 88'i 78'l 8554 74 East Air 407,900 123', 1217, 81, 27', TOli Martin Mar 482.400 27'. 25', lj 74' 17 Comw Oil 453,000 20'. 18-. 1'.

47ii Pan Am 450,900 76'', 70 75'. 5 IT1 4 61 Boeing 446,700 78', 67 77', 8'i 98 57i Trons Air 477.900 98 90'. Wt 40', Burrouqhi .398.800 78'. 68', 7kH 6' 61J Chryser 361,600 47 39', 40 T. 120'.

87 Teledyne Inc 1 26'. I'l'l 124'i 6 Si1'! 42'i Mognavox .138,000 55'i 52 53V, 1,4 63'i 52' Am TAT 373,300 55 "4 108'. 80' Gen Mot 293,100 83 80'i 80'i i 851. 46 Collin Rod 24,200 70' 1 64 68i 3'x 131'i Tex Sul 732,800 1I0, 99', 109 6', 3Tl 23'i Avco Corp 219,200 27' a 24', 25'i 1 21', lO'i Tronsitron 216,700 17'. 14', 1 89' i 55'.

56, l' 22V, 22', IS 13 I li' 7411 IS" 11 6'-- 86 40'. 35 40 3'i x80 1 30 1 129 5 73 50 48 48 618 4 6 42 44V3 3 4 2 25 24 258 24 23 23' 56 16 16 lO'i 66 24 24 243. Vi 141 27 27 27 Vi 90 16 14 1574 286 10 9 10 621 36 33 35 135 7 6 62 2'. Adrtress 1.40 Admnal 1 105 2 si inn1, 1 Tatt Brd .50 Tolcott 1 Talon Inc .80 Tompa El .52 Tandy Corp TechMat .261 Tektronix 54'. 50.

5r. 40'. 30'. 40''r 247 36'. 13 78', 77'j 28', I IT.

II'. 74 34'. 70 25 71 '4 21' 1 1'. f.100 86'. 86, 17 110 18', 18'.

18', 147 4 1'. 41', 43', 107 6.T, 561. 61 6' 7 5I4 40' 46' I 776 II 17''. IJ, .351 51'. 49', 50V- .100 6', 5', 6 4- 104 37J4 J7', I7', 1490 I8'i 17 87'.

1'. 61 42'4 40'. 1'. 127 57'. 56' 7 7 15', I4J.

15 189 52. 50'. 5T.4- 1'. 74 6 0' 7 I 91 t. 3 4.1'.

43' 7 43' 7 708 73 70', 71', 1', 287 78 77', S9 15 1.1'i 35 70 70 '7 21 7.1 71'-, 73 2 .1 83 82' 83' 4 4- 2 620 SS' 52'') 53'. 47 .37 35', 3', 177 125 IIIV7- 5'4 l'3 119 1015- JS'tj 40'. 4 29 331 .30 31 35 30' 78', TS' Jli 9.3 29'i 7S'7 79', 46 3S', 34' ,351 112 10'. 10'. ISS 71', I9i, 70 3616 4 7', .101.

40 1'. 97 25', 75'. 1210 78', 78 S8 6S 60'i 73i 7 7', 34.1 791. 28'. 28', 3n ZS0O 95' 7 OS' 7 314 46'.

44't l' 31' V. 79V3 34U- 78I 4i 79 1'. 33'4 2'1 25i i IVi 13' 47 l3'. 544i 4', 104 6V. 63' 1' S' 5'i 5 it Teioutogro 30 79 34'.

73 79 30 25'i 45'. 51 Vi 49Vi 84 74 76 13'. IVi 14 'i Admiral wl A.roqtiip .00 Air Prod .20 Air Red 2 50 A I Industry Ala On 1 90 Alberto Culv AlrrjnA'u .00 Aleq CO -II" Allr-a 6pf 60 Alleglud 2 70 AHeq Pw 1 14 Aauirr 91- Cent Frty .60 Cent Hud 1.78 Cent llll 1 llll Cenlll PSv I CenVPw 96 Cent V7V I SO (nt5oya I 40 Ceiro I 60b Cert Ired 80 Ce.nnaA t.40 Cbndbn Goth ChampP I If) Chomp pl4 SO Champ 7.20 CweM Bk 7 Cherk.r Mot Chemrtn 1 so Chemway 20 hri Va 1 60 Che. Oh 4 Chesebrou 68 Chief 0M III hi wnt ChiC.W pt? 50 CI11WSPP pIS Ch'Ati StP I Chi Muslr ,80 4 pf 5 hi Pneu 1.80 fhl Rl Por ChPlPrl UP ChRIPn NW rhl Title I 80 Chor t- 40 ChrnOt 1 101 Chrysler 2 Clnn CF 1.10 CmOE pi 4 Cm Mill 1 60a ClT Fin 160 ClT Fin pis I Hi C'tSv pi 4 40 CitS City Iny City Stores Clark Fa 1 ClevCIII 2 40o ClevEHII 1.57 Clev Pit 3 50 Cley 2 rielte CluettPea 80 Cluettp pi 7 Coast St Go. 34 14'.

40 IT JO' SO'. IS SO 411 '0 61 501 IV. COW. JOKE.3 INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE mo 14 3T Ailrnin 40a 84l 753i IVi 76' 73 1 22'i- "a 31 20'a Allied 1.90b 1010 40 30'. 73 31 V4 ID'.

AihedKid 23 OomSko 1.20 GomSk pll.75 GamSk pll.60 Gar Wood GordDen I 50 Gor'ock .60 Accept 1.20 GenAccpf ptl GrnAcc pf 60 GAmln 2.84e AmOII 40b Tron 1.45 GenAnilF ,40 Gen Baking GenBonc .48 Gen Bronze Gen Coble 1 Gen Cig 1 70 GeoConF 07e GenDynam 1 Gen Flee 2.60 Gen man 1 GenFirepfg 1 19'. I II'. I 10' 25'. 1 33' 1 .191, i. IB 4ft '4 6 4'.

IV .1 P. 106'. 10'. 871 i 2 20'i 24' 25 Va A lied Mills 2 1 VI' Allied Pd 271 56 AIII1Str 3.30 85 AllledSup 101 S4' 461. 81 I2'l 29 1 1 1 1 1 lOM "h7r iz 1 1 DAILY I I 1 (fj hiMwiMjei.iiOiiN 3 i I 1 HK i' 1 "i rn 1 1 'i 1 Ij, JL.L! 1 mtmlfmKm -i i ji 1 -t r-i LAILST WEEK I-U- I 15 18 2320 64Va 1150 17 XJ66 661 IC487 60'! 162 10''3 670 2.34 65', 79 83 59 26'4 112 52 X77 241 77 31 26 30'i 11 20 173 57 250 77 56 95 23 130 31 1)0 7913 8 34 45 78 4 80 240 33', 91 26' a 466 13 Xl7 47 216 57 138 51 260 84 1390 75 2100 76' 1100 73 15 23 11 31 14 20 382 2513 177 27 27 120 13 75s 69 57 35' 537 33' 49 19 615 7914 69 26 13 93i 18 73 133 20 46 10 X10 68 24 359 89 8 26 104 45V4 109 22Va 19 21 2 28 30 543 71' 41 33 82 33 7 14 2 14 542 37 180 24 145 23'i XS2 24 20 33' 601 207 54 33 X97 23 55 31 11 S2 22 368 28'i 10 125 WcCrory 1 20 McCro 50 McCrory6pl 6 McDerm 1.20 McOonAIr .80 McDonAIr wt 1.20 Hill 1 Mclntyre 2 80 McKee 1.50 McKess 1.70 McLean McLouth 1.60 McNeil Cp lb McOuay 1.10 7eod Cp 1.70 Mead 25 MPOd pt2 80 Medusae 1.20 Meiv Sh 1.25 Me'vShoe pi4 MercanS 1.40 Merck 1.20a Merck pf3.50 Meredith 1.20 Merritt Chap MesobiT MestaM 2.50a MGM 2 Metromed .80 MetEd MetEd pt3.90 MetEd PI3.85 MeiEd PI3.80 MichGas 1.20 MichTube lb MContTel .76 MldSoUlil .68 Mldld 1.10 MidRpfA 4.75 Mldw Oil 2.40 MiehleGO .90 Miles Lob 1 MinerCh 1.20 Minn Ent 1 MinnAAM 1.20 Minn Pw Lt 1 MISS Cp 1.90 Mission Dev Miss River 1 Mo Kon Tex Mo Pac A 5 MP Cem 1.60 MobllOl' 3.20 MoPubS MobilOil wi Mohasco .80 Monarch 1 MonR A 3.56e Monon RR Monson 1.60b Mon'DU 1.40 MontPow 1.41 Montecat Monte fn MonlWard 1 MooreMcC 1 Morrel' Morse Sh .50 MoslerSf .60 Mo'orolo 1 MtFueiS 1 68 MtSt TT 1.12 MSL Ind 1.60 Munslnq 1.30 Murphy 1.20 MurphOII .50 MurpO 25 TJVi Vi 115'j 115V3 2Vi 75 75'.

21 22'i 34'. 34'i 1 Aiiscnai AlnsCh pf4 70 AlpnaPC Alsirie Alcoa 1.60 6 108 106 33 11 10'; 71 10 10 187 88' 8 32 AmalSa 1.20a 11 25 25'. I 77'. 7S'i T. 7 IS2' 7 148 148 5 4 82' i 80' i 'l 42 43'.

4Ti 41 "7 Amerace lb 40 I ft I 1 I I 1 I 'Jl 321 A 19 1 78'i IV 25 It 91 Va 70'- 2 197 10' 181 76Va 25'i 91' 70' 19 Teledyne Inc 3416 126 111' 124 6 Tenneco 1.1 572 22 22 22', Texoco 2.40a 1009 71 69 69V 1 2 TexETrn 1.05 443 21 20 21 2.01 31 46 44 4 I'. .40 2328 110 99 109 6 Texas Ind lb 104 17 16 16'i Texaslnst .60 1 048 1 28 117'i 1253i 5 Tex Oil .10 42 23 22 22'. TelP Ld 68 18 17 17 Tex Util 1.44 272 57 5474 55 Textron I 482 47 45 47 2 Textrn pfl.25 3 102 102 102 12 ThotchGI .80 68 44' 42 43 Thiokol 851 18 16 17! Thorn .66 49 27 26 26'i Thom*osvl .70 30 24 22 22H 1 ThriftyDr .60 37 1 7 17 17 Tidewat 01 524 59 58 58' TideO pfl.20 116 23 23 23' J4 Time Inc 1.90 135 101' 94 100 5 TimesMIr .80 78 65 63'. 64 1 Tim RB 1.80a 128 41 40 Tlsh Real .70 22 22 22 22 TobinPac la 29 18'i 18'i ll3 Toled Ed 1.21 47 3934 38' 39 TootRoll 29 16 15'. Torring 1.60 X18 37 36 37 1 Tract Sup .50 58 12 12 12 Trane Co .80 134 543 5314 54 TronsWAir 1 42 9 98 90V 96 2'4 Trans Fin 28 6 6 6' Transom 338 32 3174 324 1 Transa 11 125 122' 125 2 Tronsitron 2162 1 73-i 14 16'i 1 TranswnP .50 302 11' 13 1 Tri Cont 273 23V 22' 23 TriCon pf2.50 12 477, 4714 47 vt Triangle 1 362 33 31 32 1 RW 1.40 236 46 44 46 2 TRWpfA 4.25 9 141 138 1 39 4 Tung Sol 200 4574 44' 45 2'4 Twent Cen lb 158 31 30 303i 94 41 1 17 1 74 1', 17 Gen Fds 7 20 Genlnstr 3S5 IS 30', 78'i 73 7T, GenMills 1.40 9 29' '4 77 1 38-- 1 3S'' 38'.

67'. 14'i 14 1 23 24 104 39', :110 61 :80 7 .10 41. 74 23' 35' 7 GenMot 2 20e Mot Spf 5 Mot pf3.75 GenPCtm .80 GenPrec 1.20 I 1 ji? "i5 jl lVti 1 -j 1 1 1 i 1 1 I I WWT If I 1' rjjj 1 45' 7 4S''7 1' 71'', I' 128 128 ylSO 12f) Arrarron 1 90 1 7 4 71. Amerada 2 80 97iS 87 AAlrF'tr 1.40 13 4T. AmAirlln 1 25 20'6 Am Baker I 90 17'.

AmBk Note I 5 27 AmBkN pf 1 IlBO 73' i Am Bosch .40 146 77', AmBdot 1.60 748 Am Con 2 20 7 7S S5' ACan pi 175 41 3S' Am Cem .60 53 10 AmChain 160 261 35 AmComl l.efl 10 44 AmConsum I 18 16 AmC.redit 77 75 12'. AmCrySug I 71 17. ACry pf 4 50 770 80 GPrec. pll.60 x9 19', 19 19 45 29 29 V. 129 50 48', 49-'i 1 461 22 21 21 2800 17 17 17 71 19 19- 1 347 91 It-.

90 '7 33 5 70 66 69 1 26 97 96' 7 06'! 1 15 22 20 21)- I'. 377 23'i 20 1 -P-Q- 330 32 31 31' a 4 2 20 20 20J 250 25 24 24 490 ll'i IT. 11 146 25 24 74 1665 54! 48 54 6 167 23 22 1, 2100 1201 120 36 10'i 10 10 280 24 24' 24'- 1043 16 17 4509 70 75 5 17 8 35'. 34 35 Vi 270 96 96 96 1 108 11 11 11 130 7 8 7 4 3 545 33 31 31 -1 53 40 38 40'a 10 1534 15 15- 936 34 32'i 32 94 II 10 10 33 7 7Va 7' 250 38 38 283 6I' 59 60 92 50 4734 481-4 l'i 28 76 73 74 18 93 92 93 Vl 36 44V 421, 42' Vn 91 34' 32 34 1 2650 8913 88 88' IV. 2130 87 867 86? V.

702 60' 56 59 i 138 93 90' 92 1 9 22 22 22Vi- 156 37 35 37 Va X517 6534 64 64- 37 13 121a 12'i- 165 47' 45 46 2 X274 1934 19'. 1 102 32' 32 1 65 21 20 20 V. 59 20 20 20'i 27 19 18 19V. 466 63 59 62 2 188 69', 68 69V, 1 214 32 31 32 Vi 2300 931 93 93 1 2240 90 89 1 210 88 88 88 1200 77 75 75'i 1 450 55' 52 53- Xlll 31 28'4 29- 1 2 100 80 80 80 V. 409 50 50 Va 29 28 27 27 68 35 34Vl 34- Vi 36 58 59 3.

203 58 56 58 2 60 403'. 47', 2 38 .18 35Vi 38' 3V 210 137 132 13? 1', 126 68 66 68 1 188 13' 13- Vi 2370 85 83 85 .1 10 80 80 2 80 9 8 8'a 210 132 132 132 294 31 29 30 81 51 49 51 1 1808 150 140 147 2 12 28 27 28 260 97' 97' 97', Vi 320 19 18 18'i- 11 50 50 50 6 18 17 IB 295 66 641 Uvi 1, 238 24 23 23 1 370 35 33 33 2'i 1390 98 96'4 96'4- 1 260 85 85 85 1 r90 10 78' 79'4- '4 23 27 26 26- 1 58 423,4 4134 42'4 130 68 67 67'i- 1 6 21'i 20 20 1 21 21 21 73 7V 7' 7 I3O0 85 85 85 45 18 17 1734 35 21V 2034 21 Va 62 37 36 36 126 60 56s i 60' 3 341 16 15 15'i- 5 27'i 26'i 22 3471 34 34- 54 60 59 59 270 126' 126V3 126 16 47Vi 44 47 2 278 78'. 27''. 27' 1 86 4 6 16'. I 77 73'j 3' 35', 4 1.

10. 34'. 1'; 43'. 17'. 17'.

80 'a 3'. 79-. GPuhSvc GPubUt 1.40 OverTran .80 OwensCg 140 Owensll 1.35 Owens'll pf 4 OxtdMfqA .60 OxfrdPap .60 PacG El 1 10 PaclntE Pac Ltg 1.30 Poc Petrol PacPwLt 1.16 PocSwAir .80 POCTS.T 1.20 pt 6 Pac Tin Packard Bell Pan A Sii .60 Pon Am .60 PonhEP 1.40 Ponh EP pf4 Papercrft .36 ParamPlct 2 PorkeDav la Parker Han 1 ParkPen Peob Coal I PennDixio .60 Penn Frt PennF pf2.34 Penney 1.50o Pennsalt la Pennslt pf wl Pa Co pf4.62 PaGSand 1.60 Pa PwLt 1.48 PoPL pf 4.50 PoPL pf 4.40 Pa RR 1.60a Penn20ll 1.40 PeopDrg 1.10 PeopGas 1.72 PepsiCo 1.60 PepGnBot .70 Perkln Elm Permian .50 Pet Milk 1 PetMI'k pf.BO Petrolane .70 Petrolm l.62e Pfi2erC 1.20a PhelpD 3.40a Phllo El 1.48 PhilEI pf4.68 Phi El pl4.40 PhllEI pf4.30 PhllEI pf3.80 Phil Rdg 1.20 PhllMorr 1.40 PhllMor pf4 Phl'l Pet 2.20 PhilVaH 1.27t Plllsbury 1.15 Piper A Pilney Bow 1 Pit co*ke .40 PitForg 1.40a PitFtw pt 7 PltPlate 2.60 Pit Sleel PitSteel pf A PISteel pr pf PHWtVa PitYngA pf7 Pittson 1.20 Plough .80 Polaroid .20 Poor Co 1.50 Porter pf5.50 Potom El .88 Pot E' pf2.44 Premier I .60 Procter 2 PubSvCol .90 PSvcEG 1.46 PSEG pf5.05 PSEG pf4.30 PSEG pf4.08 PSEG pfl. 40 PubSInd 1.76 PSInd pf3.50 PSInd pfl. 09 PSInd pfl.04 Publklnd .361 Publnd pf4.75 Pueblo Su ,40 PR Cem 1.10 PugSPL 1.60 Pullman 2.80 PurexCp Purex pf 1.35 Purolotr 1.40 OuokOot 2.70 OuokOats pf6 QuakSt I.40B Cornfolo oo CoraBtia I 10 48S 79'.

75') 7S')-22 74'. 24' 74 J4- 76 73'. 76' 79 53' 14'. 10', 33 43'. IS', 17', 80 88 25 44'i 20 19 28 26'i 66 32 32' 13 88 44' 20'i Hi 19- 28 28 IV.

67'i- 3' 32- 3. 33 14'i Refrac 80 Gen Sig 1.70 Colq Pnl 90 237 741. 7.3'. 73') ColaP PI 3 SO 2710 70', 69' 7 69': P. Coll nAik 17 0 66 27 26' I ffMIM'H 1 1 .1 rr 1 CoilinRod .60 J47 70' 7 64 602 16'.

1.1'i ST Ind 1.20 GTel El 1.12 GTelF pfl 5 GTel pfBl.10 Gen Timt Gen lire .80 Tire pf 5 Genesco I 80 14V 1 35 35 Vi 7- Col fuel Iron CololnlG 140 Colo Sou pf 4 Coif Indust Ooltlnd nf 1 eo CBS I Col Cos I 16 COI Pn-t .561 ColSoOh I Comb F. na 2 68'. 3'. 15'. T.

'1 75' 7S'. S7', 2 2' 74' 7 '6 57', 3'. '4 I', 24 22V ZT4 1 23''. 1 33't 33'i 195'a 1951- 6 J.W I ft, I W. I WAY I HJN QIC u-v-w 47'.

98' 7 37'. 89' -18 I 77', Genesc p(4 SO GoPaclfic lb GaPacitic wl GaPac. pi I 64 GerberPd .00 2.3 75''. 56 76', 74 35', S3' 4 77 80'. 50'.

6'8 40 II 7T 476 19', 100 18', 167 4'. 5 89', 76 18', IS 78 195 74', 111 S9', 750 44 71 IS 17 I8' 414 17', 76' 149 2140 5T. 43 7S'7 xlS 764 58' 301 26', 55 74i 7 SS 36'i 496 S', 387 1 IT7 1780 SO' 17 179 49', 4S10 70', 1377 61', 63 7S 314 48'4 SS8 75 UARCO .90 Udvlite 1.60a UMC Ind .6 Unarco .40 Unil Ltd Unii' fn ,42 NV 34 22 20 4 13 34'4 33 33'i 278 18 17 17 Vj 94 123i 11 12 IVi 38 17 17 17 85 17 17' 17 330 24 23 OomlCre 1 80 ComCr SO 22 30 3.1 2T 22'i 1. 31V. 33 21 "i 28' IVi i.omSolv 1.70 57' 47 44', I 2' 11 IS I.

I' 27 34 4' pf 90 Coniw Fd 7 ComwO'l 48 121' 125 3 Un NV fn .46 3 24' 24 24'. 18', 16'', 18'. 16', t' UnComp 1.72 117 44 43 44'. 1 AmCyon 1.25 1 tOa AmEIPw 132 A Enka 1 10a AmEifO Isbrn AEtflsbrn pf6 AmFPw 1.16 AmHolst I 70 AHomt l.flOn AmHome pt? Am Hosp ,40 Am I nf I I. lee AmlnvCo 1 10 Am Mid "0 AVet (I 1 00 AMet pi 4 2S A MetfM 1 40 Am Motors AmNGas 1.80 Am News lb A Optic I 25b Am Photorpv APo'osh 1 SO AResrrh .15 Am Seat 1 Am Ship .60 A Smo 2.60a A Snuff 1.20a 241 53, GeftyOI1 Giant PC 80 Gibrolt 1761 Gillette 1.20 GinibelB 1 80 Gmn Co .77 Glen Aid .70 Glidden 1 obeUo GloheW Goodrrh 7.20 Goodyr 1.25 GouldBat 1.40 GroceCo 1.30 Un Carbide 2 753 61 61 Vj I Un Elec 1.12 192 25 24 25 Un El Pf4.50 229 8 87 87 Vi 24'.

46 23' 1 32 57 56' 1 41 13'i 14'a IV, 26 45 43 441 42 351 33V 34', Un El pf 4 250 78 771 7713 'j is-. 9 I 4i'- -20 2 111 ISS 35', 1077 10'. 181 43'; 77 70'. 86 56', 7.12 9 131 34'. 9' 41 19'.

50'. 8', 909 36', 36 S8', 24'. 47'. 1 25 1 9317- 1' 48 74' '7 1 Comsot ConeMlll 1 70 Conaoleum I Con ia 170a ConEdis 1.B0 C.onEdis pi 5 ConFlecInd 1 ConFood 1 20 Con Frtlghl CnLoun 1.70a 11 94 op, 35 56'. 3'.

260 68 67 68 Vi 487 Si''. 52 54 2 284 71 68 712 241 38 37 14 35 8 I I Vl 66 68 64 65'. l'l 9 X299 37' 01 48 266 74', 2IJ 39 47 31 3', 36'j 2', 36 32 32' CnNGos 2.70 710 60'. 57H 1889 71 66' 71 3 407 66''! 661-7 2 Consln Coal 2 ConsPow 1.90 719 89 81 87g4 6 107 76'. 74', 26'.

2'1 33 20', 20'. lil U't 13'. 13'J4- 7.14 62J4 61 12 26'', 75t 25'- 838 40', 3'-i 40J.4. 1'. 166 50 47V7 47'.

1436 30 28wl 301 CooPw 014.52 1190 89 88V1 88V1 1 87 88 26'3 1 83 AmSoAfr .70 conPw pl4.50 11 Gronby 50 GrandU GranltCS 1.40 Granitev 1.40 Gront 1.10 Grant pf 3.75 GtAmlni 2.40 1.20a GtNoIr 1.40g Gt Nor Pap 1 GtNorP pf.40 Gt Nor Ry 3 Contolnr 1.20 83 31 31 in 66 36 31' Am Sd I 426 2t'i 20'i 1, AmStond pfT 1 46 146 146 1 Am Sterll .70 34 35'i 33', 35 I', Cont Air .80 I8S0 76i 70', 76 5'. ContBak 2.20 17 46'i 46'i 46'i 1 CIBak PI 5.50 2250 i Un El pt3.S0 UnOilCol 1.20 UOCal pf2.50 Un Pac 1.80 UnPoc pf.40 Un Tank 2 UnitAlrLin 1 Unit Aire 1.0 unit Artists Unit Corr 1 UnltCorp .40 UnltElastlc 1 UEICoal 1.80 Un EngSiF 1 Unit Fin Col Un Fruit UGasCp 1.70 UnGImp 1.08 Greenf 1.60 Unl Indust Unlndus p' 42 Unit MM 1.20 Unit Nuclear Unit Pk Min UnShoe 2.50a Shoe pll .50 US Borax 1 USForS l.2le USFrht l.Bua USGypsm 3o ConfCon 2.40 175 66', 64'i 65'! 4 Amaugar 1.40 2,15 26', 26 2'i 30V4 IVi Cont Cop 40 Ct Cop pfl.25 Amsua pi .68 29 12 12 Am T4T 2 20 3233 53' 4 Am Tob 1 80 430 35'. 33J. Gt West Flnl GlWSug 1.60a Cont Ins 2.60 S3'. -1 14 1 23 1 194 OMtoel 1.68a 2430 1S6 31 TO'i GtWSug pt 7 Green Refr 1 422 2IH l'i 1 19 19 19 187 71V3 69i 701 402 78'i 26 26 63 16', 16', l'i 285 6', 62' 633 40 52'.

51 5IH 33 Cont Mot 40 167 28 26 139 8 1 57 23 22 15 41' 40 133 173,4 171 68 7 6 5Vi3 30 29 869 60 57 68 20 20' 29 41 39V4 703 25'i 22 70 12 1184 141 29 28'i 916 21 19 294 2 23 1 24 64 63 2350 32 31 243 32 30 X82 30 28 277 51 39 339 56 53 2780 166 164', .30 14V. 14 23 2T, 6 21'. CnntOII 2.40a 21' GreenSh 1.10 Greyhnd .90 Grolier AmWWkf .56 AWWSpl 1.75 AW pref 1 25 A I4.1pf 1 43 AmZInc 1.40a Ametek 1 AMP Inc .60 8 27 27' 7 27' 7- Cent Oil pi 7 ConlSII 1 B0n 26 77'. 26', 26'. 76'.

75'. Control Data Con Onto pi? ConkCofl .851 29 )0 2 64' 2 32 Va 31'a 2 30 1'4 50 106 58', 56 7011 37', X78 401.7 '0 30''. 95 56'. 33' 7 37'. 2'4 39 40' 7 2 29'i 56 V.

76'i 77 Ampex Cp 110 214 '70 Cooplnd 1 flfn NalcoChm .80 NolcoCp Acme 1.40a Nat Aero .60 Nat Airlin .60 NAvlal 5.2Be Nat Bisc 1.90 Nat Can .50 NCashR 1.20b NatCltyL 1.60 NatDolry 1.40 Nat Dist 1.60 NOIst pf4.25 NDIst pf225 Nat Fur 1.60 Nat Genl .20 NatGyps 2b NGyps pf4.50 Lead 1.50 NPeriodd .80 Nat Prop .60 NotSvcIn 1.20 Natl Std NafStarch .70 Nat Steel 2 50 Nat Sug Rig Nat Tea .80 NatUnEI .70 Natomas .25 Neisner Bros Neptune 1.40 Nevada 84 Newbery .681 EnaEI 1.28 NEngTT 2.J6 NEngTT rt Newmont 2 Newmt pf 4 NewpNSh 2a NYAirBrk 1 NYCent 2.08a NYStEG 1.70 NY SE pf3.75 NlagVP 1.10 NiagM pf5.25 NiagM pfS.90 NiogMi pf3.60 NlaaM pf3.40 NiagShr NopcoCh 1.20 Norflk Wst 6a Norris Th 1 NA Avia 2.80 Am Car NAmCoal .50 NASugar WnrC entPtf 4 Amphenol 60 x569 76', 76'. S8'. 1 71', 1 7S1. 1. 44'.

88', 87' j- I' Cooper TR 1 27! Amsted 2 20 44 44' 87 3' 40 41Vi 44 46' 1 28 28 B3 86 2 33 33'. 37 37- 33V'4 34 82 2 l'4 43' 43V3 Va 28 30 1 1 8 30 30 V. 16 86 -2 58' 59' 33 35 14 14 35 35' l'i 17' 17'i 43 44 50 50V'i 17'-. 14'i 14- Vi 38'i 40V1 2 11 l'i 11' 9 9'i 34'. 33 33 Vi 21 21 24 25' 4 42 1-32 1-325-32 56 56', 1- 159 159 2 44'i 46' 22 23 74 77'.

2 39'4 39V 73 73 22 23 091,4 09 73Vi 73Vi V. 66 67 Vl 62 63' 18 19' 1 39 41 l'i 109'i 115'i 6 35 35 '4 50- 1 24 24 Vi 121 12- V. 13 13 Copeiond Ih GrumnAIrr I GultMO 2.20a Gull Oil 2 GufStaUt .80 Gull SU pt 5 GulfSU PI4.40 GultWnln wl GuitWnln 75 Gu'fW PI3 50 GulfW pll.75 Gust Bac .60 Cop*rna 608 91', 85'. 76 45'; 44', 110 87'j g7'. 87 .34 2'.

568 17', 151 I6'i CopwdSII 1 70 Corn Pd 1 60 CornaGWk Cowles .50 CoxBdcas .40 Crone Co 1.60 301 I5" II 18'. 66 37'i 36'i 36'4 151 29'. 2814 28- US Ind 423 17 15 16'i Vt US Lines 2b 45 37Vi 35 35 2 USPipe 1.20 72 21 20 203'4 US Piay 1.12e 19 30 30 USPIywd 1.40 101 413 45 46Va US Rub 1.20 846 44 41 41', US Rub pf 8 13 155 153 155 IV US Shoe 1.10 49 30 291 2934 USSmelt 1960 66V 60 64 4 USSme pf5.S0 4 86 8S'4 86 X1286 97 96 41' 254 47V 224 28 X294 164 12 33 313 38 192 34' 4 83 l'i 20 43' 82 30 120 9 152 31 2310 87' 597 61 171 36 28 14 x9 35' 19 18' 14 44'. 161 51 12 18 127 607 41 X144 11 9 10 45 46 35 85 22'! 104 25 492 43 5005 3-16 193 58 1 159 97 46 66 2Pi X008 78 91 40V 270 73 407 23 2130 100'. 2470 74 2840 68 1240 63' 33 1911 67 41 182 116V 111 36'i 384 146 26 3B 13'i Xl3 13 2330 76' 200 29 93 51 y230 102 y40 100 V280 101 180 48 168 32 1100 BB'a 2200 83 ZlOO 80 220 80 10 69 391 27 40 29', 27'i TH'i J7 SO', 41, 48'7 1', 14 75' 314 48', 46', 47'.

.34 30 7 203 9 54 17' i I7' 73 .11 30 1'. 55 482 3 86' '7 "7 356 TO'i 18 1'. II 2.1", 22 23'4 54 24'. 2.1 330 41', 41', 43'4 1', 128 59'. 4 46''.

378 4714 44H 4474- 2 Hack 160 HaliPrt Hoiliburt 1.70 7, 54 36''. 1. 81'. 53' 2' 1067 1B' 17 438 551-4 53', X67.1 37'. 35U 3 17 IT, 1.12 5S S3 260 II II House Fin 1 198 29', 27'.

Kendal' Co 1 44 48V, 46 48', HOUSE pl4.40 10 101 100 lOO'i Kennecott 6 214 114 HOT, 11T.2 2 Houst LP 1 326 48' 1 45'i 47 Kennecotf wl 161 38'i 37 37'i Howard John 117 54', 52'4 53'i i Ky Utll 1.24 29 3IV2 31" Howards S6t 11 10'. 10 10'. KernCLd 2.60 53 68''i Howmet .60 387 35'i 371. P. KerrMc 1.30 146 75 78', 2i HudBov 3.40a 18 72'4 7T'i 72', KeystonSW 2 I4 32'4 33', Hud Boy In 3.40O 7P4 71'.

7I' KimbClork 2 261 52 50'i 517, 1', HuntFds 123 23Vi 23 23'. KinqSel 1.20n 100 33'i 3l'i 1 HuntF pfA 5 2210 85 82 82 3 Kinq DSt 91 20 I9JI HuntF pIB 5 210 88 88 Hi Kinney .40 118 38 344 37', 31, Hupp CP -1 at 241 6' 6 'i Kirk Nat .40 148 17 16 16J. l'i Hupp pt2.50 3 36Vi 36 36 34 KLM Airlines 1963 13411 115'i 130'i 16 1 1 1 KL MAIrl fn 38 131 112 129 1-J-1 Koehrlng 1.90 105 39'i 39'i IdnhoPw 1.30 3 31''4 32' 'i Koppers 1.40 9 38'i 27V2 V. Ideol Cem 1 155 17'i 17Vi Vi Koppers pf 4 Z360 80'! 79 SOVi IllCenlnd 2 40 94 9H 69'i It Korvette 288 19'i 18 18 Ill Pow 1.60 236 38'i 3 7 38H Kresge 1.60 119 84', 4 8334 1', III Pw 2B0 46 45'! 45'i l'i Kresge wl 25 424 41i 42V4 i l'i Pw pf2.21 760 44 43 43 KroehlrMf lb 12 27i Wit Wt III Pw 2150 40 40 40 V4 Kroger 1.30 1700 25H 24' 25V4 Vi Imp Cp Am 222 6'i Indian Hd .50 x67 24 22'i 23 Lr IndplsPL 1.40 57 30'i 29 30 V. Lob Eledron 213 14'i 13'i 13J i InEIMex 1 7J4 VJt 7i Loc Gos 1.25 53 24H 23'i 24'i Vi InqerRand 2 362 41 4IH Vi LoneBry 1.10 14 25'e 24'i 25 Inland Stl 2 354 38Vi 36 36H 1 Lony Ritz .50 212 31 Va 29'4 3Ti 2 InsplrCop 1 43 36'i 35Vj 36V.

8i Lonvln pf.80 70 29V4 2Vi InsurNoAm 2 103 73V. LatrobeSt .60 27 I6V4 16 I6V4 Interchm 1.20 84 35Va 33'i 34 Leasewy 63 243i 22'. Intchm pf4.50 2440 90 89'i V. Lear Sieg .60 678 29'i 27i 27'i Interco 1.40 X23 37i 36 37i. LeedsNor .50 1 95 25', 27', 2V InterlkSt 1.80 73 35'i 35'i 35', 3 Leesona .40 167 25', 24'i V.

IntBusM 4.40 847 357 340'! 357 8 LehPorCem 1 157 IS 14'i 14' 3 IntBusMch rt Leh Val Ind 354 9'i 9 9 26875 1 13-16 1 13-163-16 LV Ind pfl. 50 4 75Vi 72'l 75 2'l IntFlavFr .50 122 58' 58', Lehman l.69e 118 31 IntHarv 1.80 247 47, 45'i 463, 3. 1.20a 187 43'i 42'i 4.3'. IntMiner 1.20 446 66 63V, 65 LeonardR .60 13 14 13': 13'! Int Mng 190 lSVi 14', LOFGIS 2.80a 194 lot Nick 2.80a 280 90'. 89 90 '1 LibbMcN .271 124 II'.

II', 11V, V. Intl Packers 117 10' 9'i 10'. 89 75'. 74'4 1 int Pap 1.20a 916 77'. 28'.

2400 140 139 139'! 1. IntPlpeCer 1 42 25'l Vi LilyTuhp 1.20 275 29'i 28', 29'. int Pipe pt 5 4 96 96 LingTVght lb 731 61 58 IntlRed 1.37t 498 24'. a 22'i LinqTVcrl 7 76V'! 74'i 76', 2 Intl Soil 30 7 66 65'. LinkBlt 1.80a 76 377i 361.

37', IV, Int Si'ver 1 59 3 83i 37' i 37'! Lions' Corp 227 4'i 4H 4'i Int T8.T 1 35 X744 7234 72 Lionel CP Of 1 13'i 134 13'i lntT8.T pfB 4 1480 1223,4 121 7Vl Vt Litton Ind 999 79'4 753i 78'i plC4 66 12TJ 121H 2', Litton ptc pf 101 15 83'. 'I pf0 4 89 120'j H8V4 120'4 l'j LivlngsO 400 7'i 7'i '1 IntTUT pfE 4 1220 1141 112'! 113'! 2 LockhdA 2.20 384 4'i 6li l'i-2'! IntT pfF 4 6 109ii toews Theot 97 31i 30 30 1. int Utilities 1 15 27'4 26 26Vi 'i LoneS Cem 1 416 15V'j 15'i Va Int Util pfl.32 73 29'i 28' 29'i Vi LoneSt pfi.SO 4 81 88 88 IntBoker 1.60 23 30'i 29Va 291i LoneSGa 1.1? 334 21'b 20'i 2IH InterDSt 641 34'4 33V4 LonglsLt l.M 139 2714 26U 26', IntMotFr 1.20 24 31'l 30'4 31 LIL pf 5 y60 96'4 96'4 964 IntersPw 1.20 105 23'i 23'i- Loral Corp 392 134 12 12'i i la EILP 1.20 24 27 26ia Lorlllord 2.50 323 48'i 48'. IV, 10 IIIGE 1.30 35 29Va 29 29i Lorlllord pf 7 7.180 138 137 137'! "3 IOWOPL 1 50 39 33 3 2 32 '4 LouisGE 1.18 69 3 2 31 32 lowaPSy 1.20 44 261i 26 26 Lou Nash 4a 106 88V1 87 B8V1 V7 IslCrkCI 1.50 x89 35 34'! Lowenstn .80 X168 21 Vt mi V. IRC Inc 284 38 36'i 36'l Vi LuCkySt 1.60b 25 41Vi 40V'4 40V4- I3, ITE Ckt 1 96 44'i 2 Ludlow 1.64 31 Sl'j 51 511 Joeger .60 15 15 1514 Vi Lukens St' 1 344 45'i 42'i 42'i l' JapanFd .22 54 12 ll'i 114 Lykes SS .80 51 24'i 22V'a 24'a 23.

JapanFd fn .22 17 ll'i 10'i 1134 LyttonFn 58 6 6 JerCPL pf 4 Z360 78'i 75'j 76''4- 2'i Jewe' Co 1.20 x264 40 40 l'i Jim Waller 1 x73 Vi MacAndF .60 33 13'a 12 12'i l'i JimWIt pfl.20 44 20'i 20'. 20'! Va Mock Tr 2.0Bf 275 44Va 4T4 41Vi IVi JimWalt pf 1 5 15Vi 15'i 15Vi Vi Mack pf 2.62 45 46 45'i JohnMan 2.20 211 53Va 52Vi 5234 V4 MocyRH 1.40 74 47 453i 46V! JohnsnJ 1.40o 36 187Vi 179 187V4 IV4 Mocy pf 4.25 1760 IM 2'3 JohnsSv 1.20a 89 39 37'a 38 1 ModFd pfl.20 43 26 24Vi 26 1, JonLogan .80 120 51 ft 50 503i Mad Fd 2.41e 135 22'i 22 22Va Jones 2.70 230 61 i 58'i l3. Mod Sq Gar 255 4'i 4'i 4'i- Vi pf 5 2160 95H i MadSG pf .60 11 12 ll'i 12 Jorqensen 1 40 21 2IH- MagmaCop 3 91 53V4 51 Vi Hi Jostens .50 181 16 14Va Wit Maqnovox .80 3380 55'i 531 V. Joy Mfg 1.25 188 3IV4 3641 36Va- 1 Mallory 1.40 177 62 59'i 59'i- it Kaiser Al 1 222 48 46 48 IV3 ManShlrt .56 26 26 25Vi 25'4 Kais 57pf4.75 I 103V'j 1011 103 V. Marathn 2.20 309 52 49'i 51'.

l'i Kais 59pl4.75 10 101 10016j 101 1 Moremont 1 x27 23'i 22'4 227i 3, pti.12 1 92'i 92'i 1,4 Mar Mid 1.30 X85 27 27' Kais ncpf2.37 1 47'i 47'i 47V Marquor ,25 520 16'a 15 15'i V. KolsCem .80 59 1 3" 12'i 13 Marq Cmt 1 87 XlVt 16H lMi- Vi KaisC pt2.50 8 423.4 42Vi 42'. Vi MarshField 2 56 55 52 55 3 KalsC pfl.37 10 20'i 20'i MartlnMar 1 4824 25V4 26'i Hi Kon CPL 1.41 303 353i 35'4 3 Md Cup 25 47 44 47 3Vi KC PL 230 90 90 90 Mosonite 1.20 100 37'i 36'i 36Vi 1 KC PL PI3.80 220 74 74 74 Vi Massey 1 745 33'i 32! 32J4- 1, KC Soulnd 2 85 44'i 42'4 fAassey In 17 3T' 315, 31 KC Sou pf 1 2 I8'l 18' 3 18', 3i Model .40 X42 Wt 16' I6V1- i Kon 1.20 46 29 28'4 28'e Vi MayDSfr 1.60 203 46 45 1', KonPwLt .93 63 2T'i 22 Mays JyV Xl6 14'4 14 14'i "4 KayserRo .60 x4 36 36 "i Moytag 1.60a 56 3 II 3IV 31 Keebler 1.20 20 32 MCA Inc 270 50 49V, Keller Ind lb 181 37'i 31 33' MCA pf 1.50 24 31'! 31'i 31V. Vi Kellogg 1.20 99 363 34' 34', 3i McCo'l 173 33'i 34H KelseyHay 2 72 48'4 47 47 McCord 1.20 9 28' 4 27' 273, US Steel 2 Halncrott HomWot 1.60 Ham Pap .90 HmdOra 140 922 44 43 43 2 100 28 28V. OH.

A 44 US Tob l.Oo II RCA .80 RCA pf 3 50 RalstonPur 1 Ranca In Roybestos 3 Royette .48 Raym Int' .60 Rayonier 1.40 Raytheon .80 Reading Co Reading 1 pf Reading 2 pf RedOwI St 1 Reed Roll la ReevesB 1.30 ReichCh RellabStr .80 RellanEI 1.10 Repub'ic Cp RepCorp pfl RepubStcel 2 RevereC 2 20 Revlon 1.30 Revlon pfl RexChn 1.20 Anaconda 2e AochHG I 40 AnchHG pf 4 Ander Clay 1 Anken Chem Apco Oil .611 ArchDan 1.60 Anr PSv .92 Sir ArmcoSt 3 Armour 160 Armr pf 4 75 Arms Ck 1.20 ArmCk pf3.75 ArmRub 1.60 Aro Corp I Arvlnln 120b Ashland oil I Asfiioil pt2.40 AssdBrew .40 AssdOG 1.40 AsvfSpring I AssdTran .80 Assoclnv 1.40 Atchison 1.60 Atchls pf ,50 AtCltyEI 1.14 ANCLIne 3o AtlRictl 2 60 6 7 44 "7 43'j 44''7 N.5 ,240 41 41 75 41 USTob pfl. Unit UtH .76 122 27 2614 26 250 88'. 877 43 4 4 4 12 2114 23U 31 .11 '4 30' 306 27U 26'. 27' HonesCp .90 Hanna Mng 1 HorbWk 1 80 Harcourt 1 Hardeman Crane pf 3.75 Crescent .90 Cresct pfl.25 CromplKn 80 CrnwCol 1.39f Crown Cork CrownCk pf? Crown Zell 2 Crn pt4 70 Cruc Stl 1.20 CTS Corp .40 Cudohy Co Cudahy pf Cummins .70 CuneoPrs .80 CunnDrua .70 Curt'S Pub Crf Pub 3nf CurPb 60pf Xl7? 28'. 27' 4 386 13 12 1314 427 4I' 40 2'.

43V 45 1 3 45 5 34 )'. 59 58', 56'. 61 1.3', 1J 67 S3' 32 .14 42 234 23 53'! 23 67 161 67 66 20 73' Jl'i 22 Unit Whelan Univ Amer UnAm pf2.50 UriAm2pf 1.75 Unly Leaf la UmvOPd 1.40 Upohn 1.48 Urls Bidg .60 Utah PL 1.52 UTD Corp 1 VallyMId 1.20 VonRaal 1.30 l'i Harris lot .80 HarsroCp .90 Horshaw 1.20 HartSchM .80 Horv Al 1.20 206 7534 73 7413 15 15 153 J4 32' 33 90 22', 27', 1, 164 21'i 3.M 34't 33', 171 10', 10 10 X.34 31 .10 30', 373 73' 69', 73', Hat Corp .40 27 21 20 21 75 75 Curl Wr I 67 7', 7' 7' 'i 3 52'4 524 1 132 52 6 12'i 12' i 12- 27 15 14' 7 207 10'. 1 33 31 6 170 2Wi 20' 20'. 9 35 34'.

84 (S0'4 57'. 60', 27l X40 38'i 37i. 37H '4 420 54'-! 50'. 53', Ti xl6 Jl'i 15 43 42 42''! '4 61 24't 28 28- "i Hi CurtWr A 2 NorlndPS .92 Vanad 1.40a 230 84'. 87', 81'.

Culler 1.10 Vanan As XlSl 52'. S3 xl 77' 77' 7713 171 47 44'4 46 l'i 149 17 16 16- 5 60 58 59'. 2 228 22 20 21 l'i 66 ll'l 11 H3 359 34 33ii 33Vi Vl 1590 47 44 45 2 27 26 27 Vi 16 20 20 20Vi 35 22 20'i 2134 '1 8 19 19Va 19 V. 21 38 37' 37'i 56 34 331 33 144 133i 13 13 5 16 15 15'i- 69 27' 25 27 1 30 S'l 5Va 5 4 13 13 13 x253 403i 3814 38 117 55 53 53'i 417 49 47' 47Va- 1 25 40 39'i 40 43 32' 31 31 488 38 35' 36 727 61 59 59 1 46 127 125 126 2 4 47 47 47 748 39 37 38', 1 5 74' 73' 7313 1 132 26i' 24 25- 205 28 26 26-- 89 71 70 70 Va 101 Wi 20 20 1 102 491 47V 49' 1 1565 12V 11 11- 87 36 35 35 1 31 46 45Va 46 Va 38 29 28' 28 Vi 57 28V 27 28 136 37 35s 36'. Vi 55 123 118 121'- 1' 285 40 38 39 117 19 19' 19 75 26 243i 25 1 125 49 441 46 21'.

58 24 2234 1 1922 36 353i 35VI- a 40 36' 35 36 11 28 28 28 55 48 45'i 48 3 X203 35 33 1 316 28'i 23 27 4 153 20 18 197, 1 CyrlopCp 1.80 At'Rch pt3.75 2260 78 AtlRch 775 76 NorNGOS 2.7.0 NoNG pf5. MnNC. nfS 60 VscoMet .90 491,3 49 2 101 101 100 100 99 99 1 CyprusM 1.20 Atlas Ch 245 1' 77i'i 74', 1, 17' 3', 3'i 17'4 17', l) 16'I 16' Vi NoNG PI5.50 3U Veederln 1.60 Vendo Co .50 Victor .30 of 5 47 47 30 1145 3 26 OanRlv 1.70b. I717 Nor F-ac 2. mi NSta Pw 1.52 kKPuu nf4.56 Dana Co 2.20 MV 88V3 lr.

VoEP pf4.04 91 19 17 19 I14 12 28'i 28 28' 'It 86 28 27'i 1, 1065 35 33 450 41 37 40 29 34 33 34 125 33 31 31'- Vi 135 47 43 462 11 97'4 92 93 3 2T10 79 79' 79ii 103 27', 24'i 2 297 28 27 27 23 22 229 1 57 2174 20 21 37 101V 1011 ioiu, 644 34' 30 30 3 47 37 37 37' 14 X4B 30 30 30 5 30 411. Alias Cp AllsCp pf.sok AustNlch ARA Inc .50 Avco Corp 1 Avnet Abon Pd 1.20 259 53i, 56'. 2'. 83 83 1' DaycoCp Day PL 1.24 vonwoc .20 NSPW pf4.16 109 28'l 78' 1 28'. Vornodo Inc DPL pfA 3.75 2110 71 2192 27', 74', 25' 1 75? 72- 19 21.

2 470 86V1 84 85'. 71 71 76 76 '7 vsi Coro .70 Rexall Reyn Met .75 ReyM pfi.SO ReyM Reyn Tob 2 ReyT pf 3.60 Rheem.M 1.20 Rheingold .20 RIchMer 1.15 RlegelPop .80 RltterPfoud 1 Roan So' RobertCont 1 RoblnAH .60 RochGE lb Roch Tel .84 Rock Std 1.50 RohmH 1.60 Rohr Corp 1 Ronson 60b Roper GO 1 RorerWm 1 RoyCCola .60 80 80 80 80 "7i 67i 6B 25 27 Vi DPL pfC 3.90 2l'0 77' 4 NSfW NSPW pf4.10 NSPW pf3.60 Nnrthron 1 Vulcan Mot 1 309 70 68', vulcan 016.25 NwstAIrl .60 56 331'. 34 V) 51 27', 26'i l1 787 119'. 117'. 2 115 654 449 32', 6', 31 6H- 1, 32 1.

WagnEI 1.20 Wlgreen 1.30 WolkerH 1.20 52 12 IT, 16 30', W'i- woikr fn .20 115 33'. 331, 33'i 19' I Vj 448 19 How Elec 1 Haw Tel .81 Hayes 1.60b Hozeltlne Cp HeclaMn Heinz HJ 1.20 Heinz pf 3.65 Helene Curtis Hell Col'' 1 HellerWE .50 HelmeProd I Helmrch Here Inc HerclnA 1.65 HershCho .90 Hert2 1.20 .30 Heubleln 1 HewPack .20 High Voltage HVtonHot .80 Hiltonln 1.191 Hobort 1.40o Hoff Electron Ho'ld Inn .40 Holly Suaar 2 Holt R8.W .80 Homestk 1.60 Honeywl 1.10 Honeyw pf 3 Hook Ch 1.30 Hooker pf4.25 Hoover Bait 1 Hotel Cp Am pf 1.25 Houd Ind wl Houd Ind 2 Houdln ptl. 12 2330 tO'i 19 90' 4 26 21 '1 21'l X1019 121 113 119 4 184 39V 38 1 27 27 27- 31 38'i 37 37 91 56 53 55' 3 360 27' 26 27 4 27 27 27'i 39 21 27'4 21 NwBan 1.70a NwtSt'W 1.40 Norton 1.50 Norwich 1.30 NuTone .90 NuTon pll. 28 NVF Co 1.20 32 32'j 31', 212 M'" 33 33 VM Tier 1.10 X6T0 40 38 39 134 Wa worth Co 78 10' 103J wZ 1,40 8J" 1 WarnBro 1.20 59 32 30 j. 270 791.1 13 35 12 26'.

24' 1 9 29'. 20 22 38'. Deere 1.6O0 Del Hud 1.40 Del Pow Lt Delta Air 1 DentlSp 1.20a DenRGW .10 DeSotoCh .70 DetEdls 1.40 Det Steel .60 DeVllbis 1.10 DiomAlk 1.10 Dlnmlntl 1.6.0 DionaStr .341 ctaphon .80 Diebold 40b D'Giora'0 .80 DlnersCI 50b Dist Seag 1 DisSea In 1 Dlvrowy 1.70 791.1 .35 7S'. 79'! 86 3' 7 14', IS', 41 1) 171.4 2Vi 27 3911 25V- WarBr pfl. 50 661 18 17 23 374 95 30 'a 45 10 88 76 82'.

14 54 86' 1 21 I4'4 56 15' warur pfi.22 WarnPlct .50 38'! 9' 24', 6 32 31 32', 3 31 30 31 178 14V, 131, ,4 31 303.4 31 .149 103 1, 1.7 15 14 40', 409 77 Warn Co 1.44 WarnLamb 1 Occident X1440 Occident rt 5913 13 20'. TO'. J0, Rubbrmd .80 Ruberold 1.80 RussToqs .80 RyartAero .20 Ryder5ys .60 WarLam pf4 1670 121 116' 120 14 Warnsw 1.60 67 .1874 36 wl 160 44 X544 38'. 5.3 II'. 143 151 OhioEdU 1.20 40', 444 34 31 31 10'.

11 1, 27', 70'! 2': J0' 29', Oh Ed WarrnBro .80 WarrSD 1.40 Oh Ed pf4.44 Babbitt Babco*kW 1.25 BakOIIT .50 Ball GE 1.44 Ba'GpfB 4 50 BaitG pf 4 Bait 8. Ohio BonqPun Suq Bongs pfl.25 BarbOII 3.43t Boslc Inc .80 BatesMlq .40 Batblron 1.40 BauschLb .80 Baxtri ob .24 BayuVOa .50 Beam Dist 1 Bearlnas .80 Beat Eds I SO BeatFd Beaunll 1.50 BeckS pt Beckman .50 Becton 40 BeechAr BeechLS 1.30 Belco .50 Beld Hem .70 BeC How SO Bell Intr.ontl Bendix 2.40 BenefFin 160 Benf cvp(4 SO BenFIn pt4 30 RenF 49 30 44 l'i 86 4-29'i 47V 41' 1 9-16 1 7-32 27 26 90 90 86 86 85'l 82' 74 73 28 15 15 21 20 59 58' 4 Oh Ed pt4.40 WoshGas 1.48 WoshWot 1.08 295 29 28'. i 225 43 39 18 18'i 183l 28 29 46 4511 44 44 1 6 28 27 27 77 22" 21 2174 3 37i 37 37 t4 1 24'4 24'. 04'. 28 Vi 42 3 Oh Ea ptj.yu 110 76', 75', 25'i- 78 54' i 52'.

32 3T 3T4- I 31', 3Tl 31', 53 3S'' 1S', 'i 05 27 25'l- 'i 58 31', Wt 31'. 7'l 7 31'k 33' 4 33', 210 42'4 40', 4P. 76 21', 2T. 96 43 40'! 1'. DobbsH .10 230 120 1840 1490 64 1 114 26? 2290 89'.

37 34', 75 5'4 1 22i 4 23'. X39 45' X4 24' xl Oklo GE .92 33 5'i 22', 22'i 42'4 301., DrPepper .90 18-42 DodoeMf 1.20 Ok GE pi. B0 OkloNGs 1.12 1.60 waukesha 2 WoynKnt 1.40 Webb Del Weis Mkt .60 Welbilt 34 DomeMn I. 44 3 Houd pt 2.25 40'i DomFd 1.59e Donnelley .60 LSI 49', 220 97' 9" 53 50 48 49'. 1U 2160 84 83 84 2 48 7 41'.

41 l'O 77'. 169 36', 34'i 76 55' 7 55 55'. 168 17' ,34 18 17'. 18 74' 46', 45' 45'. 1, 49 10', 9'i 10'.

411 78'. 74', 74' 2 8': WelchScI 341.4- IV 84'7 27', 78 i DouqA rc lb 11.31 88 Dover Corp 1 46 29 Saleway St 1 StJosLd 2.60 StJos LP .94 SLSanFran 2 StReqP 1.40b SanDGai 1 64 Sanders Sangamo .40 SaFeDrlll .40 SavannhEP 1 Schenley 1.40 Schnley pf.50 Schenng 1 Schick Sctvmbg 120 SCM Co wescoF .801 43 42' 35 34'i 41 47 42 36 34 23 19V 21 21 38 35 10 9 49 45 7 7' 5774 52 734 68'. 66'. 66'e- 11 4SII 193, 34 3 3V4 334 14 41 18 17 173. 1, 101 12! 12 12 36 27' 26 26 yj60 89 86 86'i 1 83 53' 49V4 53 414 120 45 44 45' osi oe oc 1 23 33.

21 36'- l'i Wesrcst Tran WPP pf 4.50 WstPt Pep 2 WVaPulp 1.50 10 American Stock Exchange 265 45'. 43'. 1U wvap pf4.50 48 3 71- I 57 121 WestnAirL 1 1442 52 49 51M 14 WnBanc 1.10 172 31' 31 v. I 06' 1 06'-j 06' 7 24 88 17'. 87' 7 45 441-1 44'4 85 V't NEW YORK (API Following Is a com X6605 Scott Fore 1 25 75 5 Dow Chwi 2 Draper Dresslnd 125 DrexelE 1.60 ully Mot 1 DukePower 1 Dunhlll .40 Duolon Corp buPonl 2 50e duPonf pf4 duPont pf 3 SO Dutf LI 1.50 DuqLt 4pf 2 Da 3.75PI1.87 Dura Co DWG Cigar Dymolnd DynomCo .40 olete record of the, most activt tocki Benguet 10145 Berman leas 23 20 2 17 171 21 3' 9 I', and bonds traded last week on the 30 10S 76'.

27 1'" 2S9 343' 3 46 39', 36U 37' 7 21' 43 26'. 24', 18 39'4 38', 38'. V. 17 I0' 191, 1. 29 II', 11', U', 384 186 190 5 25 93 941.

6 74H 73 73 1 514 29'. 2700 39' i 38' 4 39 250 37 .17 17 57 27'i 79'" 2'. 9 12 174 16" 15'. IS'. S63 14 12', 13 2 16': 4 341 4 3'i American Stock Exchange, giving the 16 30 29-4 41 'i 1' 9 44- 1 78 13- 1.2' 13', 1- '4 individual tales for the week, the week 32'i l'k 214 10 7' 8 hloh, low and last prices and the net 1003 33'i .12 21 27' 22 34 22 chanqe from the previous week's close.

58' 4 89 5 197 3 106 434 2 15 A 56 4 23r 'It 1.40 Beth Stl 1.50 Biqelow .80 ackDk 1 40 Blaw Kn 1 40 BllssLau 180 Bliss EW 1 BobbleBk .60 Boeing 1.20 WstnMd 1.60a WstnPac 2.20 WUnTel 1.40 Wn Un pf4.60 WstgABk 1.80 WestqE' 1.40 WeslE pl3.80 Weyberg 1.20 Weyerhr 1.40 Wheelg Steel Wheel Stl pf Whirl Cp 1.60 WhlteCons wl WhlteCn 2.17t WhiteC pf5.50 WhlteCon pf2 White 1.60 15 Scott Paper 1 ScovlllMf 1.20 ScrewBIt Seab AL 1.80 Seob Fin 1.20 SeobF pf 2.7S Seagrve Searl GO 1.30 Sears Roe la Seeburg .60 Seilon Inc Set Ion Inc Servel Servoma 52'l- 85 22'i 21 21 106 33'. 32', 37', X15 354 34'. 34'. 85 18'. 17', 17r, 194 33'4 321': 33 56Vi 1 163 13 -16 X9 34' 33 34 IV 57 394 37 37- 14 248 41' 39 394 JA iiv' 94 2' 71 31 37 37V 598 58' 57 58 3 80 79 7914 7.

22 21 20 21 217 37 36 36'- 91 27 2514 27 7, 10 72 68 723 399 45 43 44 56 37 36 3714 265 74 69 741 7 6 38'j 38 38' 14 1 32 32 32 218 45 43 44 1 XI3 3 714 36' 37 66 24 24 24 30 25 25 25 54 50 50 50 Vi 74 ri. ioi. DynomCp pf 1 76 8 1 8 21 28'. 3 4467 Wi 67 77'l l' Boeing rt 14' 7574 2 1-16 1 11-16 1 13 16-3-16 6- BolseCasc .25 33', Acme Miss Aeronca Inc Aerosol 1.21t Airpt Pk AloPw pl4.20 Alaska AID AIIAmEn AI'egAin Ailed Pap 29' 1 0134 12 88 7B 75 69 33 31 43 40 10 9' 45 43' 22'4 22 56 56 25 233 534 51 58 56 22' 2034 284i 24 15 13V4 7'l 6' 30 28 31 31 32 29 13 131 60 58 22' 22 223 36' 32 10 9' 47 17 173i 27 251 38 36'3 34 3214 45 42 62 70 SS'. 53V.

BolseC fit 1 40 X44 49'. 48 114 33Vi 30 3313 3 90 23 21 22 141 1 1 lii 102 6 6 6 V. 287 15 12 14 IVi 100 1' 197 19', IVi 1025 26 26 3Vi 100 5 4 5'i Vi ShamOG 1.50 xl88 30' 1 SharonSt' .80 136 Eoqle .40 6 7 31'i 78'i 3I' 3'i EastAirL 4978 112''. 121'. IJ 3.19f 10 94 Hi Fast Stl .90 59 15'l 15' 15', Kodak 1.40a 650 139'4 136', 13B' EotonYa 2.50 141 59' 1 57', 58 Eaton pf 1.19 4 30 29''i EchlinMf .48 44 12H lUl li EdlsBros 1.30 14 3H 31'l 3't 113., White SS White Str lb WlckesCorp 1 Wilson Ca 2 5934 1 22 Vi AlloysUn AltamilCp .20 WinnDIx 1.32 999 303 i 28 28- Rodlotn Romer Ind Rapid Amer Rath Pack Reeves Brd Reeves Ind RevcoDS iegel Text 1 RioAlgom wt Robin Tech Rolllnslnc .24 RowlndPd .20 Royal Amer Roy School RyanC Pet Savoy Indust Saxon Pa Sayre Fisher Scurry Rain Sbd Airlin Seeman Bros Servo Corp Seven Arts ShotDenn .22 Siboney Corp Signal OilA 1 SigOil pf 2.40 Silicon Tron Simm Prec Slick Corp SolitronO .30 SpeedOP .31 1 Sperry wt Sports Arena StdMetals .20 Stcltno Sterl Prec SternMet SlruthW .861 Ameco Inc 22 35 4 9 tzaz 28 1 2637 2874 26 28 2'i II 22 22'l x8 22'.

22 4 1. 457 35'i 331. 219 46', 43', 45 X44 16'! 15' 44 79 39 391,. 9 7 20'i 19i 30 "7 36 35 .35 1' 1254 84'i 73'. IS'i ll'.

4J 45 44'i 44 300 97 97 2 17 3t 3l'i 38'. 3, 116 30 29'. 79', EG8.G .20 123 25', 22'i 24U 134 ElosStop 1.40 1 96 44 48'. 4'. Am leetron -r 7" in 11 Soles Net (hds.) High Low Lost Chg.

124 2Ta 19 191 149 8 7 88 17 16' 16 l'i 98 26 24 24 IV. ySOO 79' 4 77 "1 426 1 2 11 12' i 99 15 131.3 1 I 457 20 19 19 104 17 16 I 910 82 1 I 233 11 10 10 156 16 14 14 1628 3Va 2 3 V. I B0 9'. 9 9 V. 194 14 13 13 1 73 18 16 16 I 111 32 30 30V 95 10 9 9 249 9'i 8 8 I 217 44Vl 43 43 493 3 11-1635163 5-16-5-16 603 4 4 4 151 10 9 9 13.3 38'.

35 36 Va 13 14 12 13 1 I SOI 47 39 41 314 37 35'. 35 Vl 176 2V. 7 44 44- 199 67 330 15 47Va Va 5'i 13 AmPetro .20 A SateEq .16 6Vi 14V- 24 Vi WiscPSvc .86 WitcoChem 1 El Bonds 1.72 4 6 38' 1 37' 37'. I El Music .12 721 44 4' 4', 173, Bond Strs 1 BookMh 1 Borden 1.20 BorgWar 2.20 BormanF .80 BosEdis 1.76 Bost Me Cp BostMeCp pi Branlff Air Brigas Str BrlstMy 1.20a BwyHal 1 20 BklvnUG 1.50 Brown Co .60 BwnShrp 1.70 BwnC.o pi 1 SO BwnShoe 2.10 Brunswick 172 25 23' ANelex Corp 26Va 1 WitcoC pf2.65 El fn .12 1 4.i 4'i 41.1 269 11 10 Andrea .50 14 49 47' 4 47' 1 114 EIStorBaH 7 315 11-16 95 18 174 17 76 3334 32 32 14 1 6734 67 67 102 234 21 21 25 25 Vi 106 27 26 26- 729 24 23'. 23' 37 1J, 34 2 433 70'i 18'.

19', 1280 34 A PL Corp Araus Inc 33 1 671', 3Vi .130 23', IVi WOIV ,50 Wometco .56 Woodwlr 1.60 Woolworth 1 Worthing 12,0 Lake Shore 223 2 2 V. LeeceNe 103 34 30 33 2 LernerSt 190 7 7 7- LeslieFA 83 16 15 IVi LibFob pf .50 y200 834 8 83'. V. LodgeSh 100 3 3 3 La Lond 1.50 114 48 47'. 49- LTV Aero .80 244 29'! 28 1 Lynch Corp 141 14 13 13- Lundy El rt 728 2 1 5-32 1 9-32 Mack Trk wt 138 20 18 19 1 Mackey Air 469 14 127 13 1 Magell Pet 684 3 2 2 MansfTR .40 131 11 10 Va Morrud Inc 201 6 4 5Vi 1 Martin wt 441 36 31 34 3 MoryCarPt A 120 5'i 5 5 Masco Cp .32 529 27 26'4 27 Vi MaxsonEI .20 81 15 14 14 Va McCror wt 22 3 3 31', 3' McCul'och 110 9 9 9 McWood CP 160 11 10 ll'i MeodJohn .41 298 27 26 26 1 Memcor Inc 155 13 10 12' 1 Menasco Mf 81 6 6 Vi Merrill Isl 507 1 Microdot Inc 109 18 17 18'.

Microwave 170 21' 19 19'4 Va Midwest Fin 71 3 2 2'i MohwkA .4,31 793 23 21 21', Molybd Con 321 1 1 5-16 1 7-16 Molybden 410 55 51 54', .1 Mooq Inc .20 137 24J4 71 24 MtqGuarl .40 88 25Va 25 Munl2TV 200 13 12 12'i Vi Nntl Petrol 117 2 116 Not Video .60 1454 II 76 76- 1 NestleLe 20 88 7 7 7 viNewal Inc 145 916 "3 Idria 287 2 2 NcwPark Mn 1063 6 S'l 6 Noramco 220 4 3 4'i Nor Cdn Oils 1193 7 16 3 3-16 3 7-16516 Noeost Alrl 561 35 31' 32' 2' NlnPS pfi 2100 81 80 80 Nuo'ear Am 193 2 2' 2..... Nytronlc 97 14 13 13 OokElect .70 259 40 35 40 4 OqdenCp .60 621 24 22 23' Old Town 314 31 27 30 2 OSut'lvn 79 7 7 7', 1 Oxford Elec 111 4 3 4 1 170 69 129 21', 2I' ArkLGflS 150 45 3V 62 2 54 IV 107 34 331. 1', .10 32 2 El Assoc Electron Sp Elgin Watch EiPasoNG 1 EHraCp Eltro pi 1 40 Emer El 1 32 EmersEI pll 107V'i 107 Worth pfi.SO 2850 82 81' 81 v't Wnqley 3o x20 109 107 1119 tl Asamero Oil AssdOII Astrex Inc Astrodato At Research 26 352 17'i 1444 2 1279 59 59 15'i 156 li3 10 11 1 1011 24'4 113 123 2 144 19 17 19 1257 9 8 93, 135 I3, 1 1', 1,, 145 8 7 7 1040 177 787 Wurlitier .80 WyandW Shattuck Shell Oil 1.90 ShellTra ShellT fn Shelter Mf lb Sheraton SherWm 1.90 ShoeCp Am 1 Siege' HI .68 Signode 1.20 Simmon 1.20a SlmpPat lb Sinclair 2.40 SingerCo 2,20 Skelly Oil 2a Skil Corp .90 SmithAO 120 SmithK l.BOa Smucker .60 SolaBosIc .60 SooLine l.SOe SoCaro EG 1 SouJerG 140 SouPR Sugar SoeastPS 1 08 SouCalE 1.25 South Co .96 1.24 SouNGas 1.30 Sou Nitro .70 SoulhPoc 1.50 South Ry 2.80 Sou Ry pf 1 Swest PS .64 32 20 20 23 14 1334 1 4' OayMIn 644 147. 13 14 1 Oelianne 429 15 11 14 3 Deltono Corp 144 13 11 13 6 DennMIA .60 628 3 32 3 2 Dielectric 141 9 8 l'i Divers 361 27 21 27 6' Dixilyn Corp 176 9 9 9'i Vi DorrOllv .60 88 20 19 Dynolectrn 647 6Va 5'i 6 Edo Corp .32 468 241 18 24 5 Ehrendi Pho 283 27 25' 1 Elco Corp 175 24 22 23V4 Vi bel Voice .15 115 16 13 16 2 Elect Assist 101 5 4 4'i Erie Forge 117 3 3 Vi Essex Ch .301 70 7 7 Executont 1465 13 15 Folcon Sbd 259 12 11 12 "1 FelmtOil 66 8 8 8 FedResrc .10 1173 3 3 FirthStrl 174 6 6 6V1 FlschrP 1.291 72 22 21 21 "1 FlexTube .421 76 16 14Va l'i FlyTigr 1.241 1750 44 42 43 Fofochrome 650 13 ll'i I2' Fresnlllo 154 18' 16 18 1'. Frontier 1.081 101 29 27' 29 1 Gole Indust 90 3' 11, 31,4.

GoteSport .32 100 14'a 12 14 1 GCA Corp 7 22 71 22 Gearhart 116 11 10 10 GenBatC 71 8'4 7 7 '1 Gen Devel 519 7 6'i 7 Gen Plywd lt 355 20 18 19 Gen Stores 08 2 1 2 GionmniC 40 218 28 26 27 G'OntY 405 13 12', 12 Coldfield 2'i 2'i GTI Corp 659 15 13V, 141,4. Gulf Am Id 403 ll'i 10 11', Gulf St Land 277 10 ll Gulf Suiphr 481 26 23'i 25 l'i Glton Indus 613 44 39 43 4 HB Amer .25 77 5 5'- Horn Corp 1 jk Hornischfgr 2 I3 40 37 40' 2 Harvard Ind 191 9 I a. Harvard Ind 191 9 I 834 Ha2el BISh 101 7 6', 7aA 3i HebrNat .10 187 3" Helnlcke Inst 298 11 iotI Heller pts.50 92' 92 92 Hltco lOg 210 7 I 33' hom*oIIA 92 18 16 18 1 .60 357 18 15 514 HowE'M 262 15 10 14 3 Hud Nat .1 7p 74 I 73i 1 Hyeon Mfg 184 19 15 II Yh Hydrometol 130 10 9 9'i HygrodF 28 17 16 16 28- l'a 66 22 25- 21 ll'i ll'i 2S4 19', li'. IB'. 53 49' 1 47', 48 35 46--, 45' 1 4Si 121 59 60 4 47'! 47 47'i lit 93 8 5 6' 147 33 31', 15 Kl'i .10 30'.

7 16', 35'i 36 60 2S' 24 24H Y70 68 68 1 29' 4 79'i 53 SI 4i 57 'i 8'. 1, 14', 14', 3T. 17'. I6'l 87 87 8' "1 l.l'l 1.1', 10 10 10 38', 18 1 EmeryA 1.20 Atlas M. 1.02a Audio Pe X-Y-Z- Emhort 1.20 8 12 17 Avlen Ine Ayrsh Coll 1 170 3 2 xj Buckinghm 1 Bucy Er 1 0 Budd Co .80 Budd Co pf 5 BudgEIn 64b Budg pl.60 Buff For 1.80 But'ard .60 Bulova 2', 2- Vi 235 2 160 26 25 2 XeroxCorpl 1117 264' 256 257- isi YngstSht 1,80 218 36 .14 14- vl YngtStDr .90 35 19 lfjvj "i jT 2fc 7ayre Corp 189 37 35 T6 Zenith Rod 1 1198 it, 74 Copyrighted by The Associated Press 1964 231 21 19 20 1 201 1- EmpDist 1.44 EmpormC .75 End John EndJohn pllk Enqel Ind I Equt Gos 2 ErleLac.k RR Erie Lack pf 4ft 29 45 44' i 25'.

2 35'. .1 39 33Vi 28'l 22 33 28 193', 155 I8'. Supmkts Gen Syntex Cp .40 Sys'ron Oonn I 40 45'. 5 1 13 BuntcHIII 1.20 1216 46 69 38 36'i 37' 4 733 IT, 10'. 10', 2600 37'i 13 259 44 40'i 44', 1 467 41 40'.

'4 2' 4 35', 3 Essex Wire 1 Burl Ind I Burndy .40 Burroughs 1 Bush Ter BVD Co .50 Talley Indust ElhylCorp .60 437 M' 4 31s, 32 787 28 30'. 2': 3081 79', 68'l 76'i 42 25'i 74'. 25' 1 1, 90 25 24'4 25'i Vi 9 6 2' 4 25 37 15 2'i 35 10'. 6 2 4'i 36 19 11 7-16 Eurofnd 41 12'i 23 32 13 2 30 8 5 2 4'i 32 18' 1 10 II 7'i Stock List Symbols Sales In full. tiniest Athrui.a 107 306 582 81 620 311 86 14.3 80 280 307 509 149 374 843 Ba field Ind Bakerlnd 60 Bonlf Oil Bonner Indus Barnes Enq Barnwell Ind Bartell .371 Baruch Fost Belock Inslr Berkey Phot Bonan20 Air Broiil Trac 1 Bruce EL Bunk Romo Burma Mines Eurofd fn 27 26V.

307'i 28' 69 65 22 21 25 25V 40V3 39 331 32 28 28 23 22 17" 17' 36 35 31 29 33 33 28 27 203 18 36 34 48' 48 17 17 18 17 17 16 10 10 24 22' 89 87Vl 24 23V4 3834 38 33 32 77 77 11 Wit 32 30 677 65 97 95 44 42 77. 69 3 11 II 11 554 39i i 36'i 3711 Tecnnlcol .75 Tel A Sign Telectro Ind Tetepromt 4 327, 2 FvansPd Evershp ExCellO Cp 2 34Vl 1 48- 17 Vi 18 16 lOi'i 24' IV 123 70 113 5011 41 48 -5'. TermHud I Soar! Ind .40 SoartCorp .40 Textrnlnc wt dead, in th. f.oro7abl.m0?. nn' disbursem*nt, cased on the lost quarterly or sem -annual declaration.

SpecUil extra dividends or poymentt rot 19 10 11 8 7-16 27 45 431! 43'! 1 23 3 4'l 4 79 27 26'i 26' I 676 14 12'l 13'i 888 51 'i 45 51 3J. 190 22 7'A 22Vi- li Thom*o Star 152 37'i 39'. I1 16 46', 46'. 46' 1 i 1590 181 165'i 175 4i TrnsCarlb .40 Sperry Rand 7264 SperRd pfi.SO 2340 Square .60 x312 FactorA FafnrB 2.20a FalrCom Calgon .80 Cal Finon' Calif Pack 1 CallahM Colum Hoc 1 CompRL 45o Camp Soup 1 Con Dry 1 ConSou Ry 3 Cdn 8 res 40 TWA wt 11 30 32 1 4 249 32 r-air Lam Akn ovtrn a 25'. 27'4 7i 5'i 7 15-16 10234 l'i l- 2371 1, 38 '4 33 77 11 'It 30 Va 431 Unit AlrProd 1 59 28' i 1750 54 rate plus stock dividend.

tLXhTg Staley StdBrond 1.30 StdBrd pf3.50 Std Finon .66 Std Kollsmon ,15 714 Fair Hill li. 17 17i. 210 2 5 16 2 7 16 Unit Asbest 54 54 6'i 6'l 6' 4 29 7'i Fairmont 1 108 II 17i' 130 230 59 753 721 14 Unit Can OG xl 16J. 16'. Cdn Brevs .40 7 CdnPac 285 58 i 66 l'i 57'i 58'.

l'i StOII Col 2.50 55 24 22i 23', 1 UnltlndCp wt I CdPacfnLSOa 26 58'-i 57'i 5.3 33', 31 Jl'i 178 24 llj 1986 96 903i 93''i 27l 15 19 3 321 14'i 12 13 402 13 12 12- 152 3 2 248 6 5 369 253 22 2514 16 5 5 5 124 65'i 59 64 4'i 275 4'j 4 4 441 16 15 16 1 1642 78V 72 76 1 u-v-w 101 10 1 10 1 76 3Vi 27.215-16- Vi 310 2 15-16 2 2 13-16 V. 541 6 5Ji 6' i 135 7 6 7 212 4' 4'i 4 103 2 1 2 2P? 434 4' 4'- 72 22'i 21'i 21- 72 13 12', 12- 669 41' 41 7'i 306 9 1 91 4 112 6 6', 411 15 12 13 1 120 5'4 5 5 212 3 3' 3 969 61 57'i 5934 I 151 19 18 1B 190 66 62 63- 1 I 561 II' 15 17V3 Tit 267 5 5 5- 141 1 1 1 3-16 -XY-Z- 745 10 71 71 7Vi 15U 43 35 423 I P-Q yl50 90' II ySOO 86 IP 70 19 11 274 23 22'4 IB 14 12' 111 1 l'i 184 22 18 StOCal pf3.30 StOIIInd 1.70 us Nat Gas i.u;,ti va ut on vL dend or ex-d strlbutlon date. oPo" a5t 1 14i t4' 443 Canal Rd 90 Un Am 62wt 446 78 28 35 x7 93 I', 7'x 16', 16'i 13'. 131 StOIINJ 1.60c 1227 StdOIIOh 2.20 112 7'i 16'. 62 60 Unlv Aut Ind UnContro1 .20 I 207 37'i 32, 36'.

3' 41 42'4 7 94 84 dend or split uV. this year, an accumulative Issue with divi dends In arrears. n-NewTu. -Pald this year, dividend omitted, deferred Unexcell Ch StdOll Oh pf4 StO Oh pf3.75 St Packaging 177 41', 40', l'i 64 .14 3.14 I6'n 15'. 6 21'.

2I'4 75 17 93'a 84 9'i 35j2 Univ Mar .60 21'. 10 35 291 36" 41' 9ft 97' 91 S3 4' Canteen r80 Cap Bdcst Carborun 1.30 CareyPh 1.60 Carlisle .70 Caro CHOh 5 CanoP Lt 1.21 Coro TT .60 Carp Stl I 12 Carrier 1.60 J-J-K Valley Metal 3 St Pkg pfl.60 65 21'. 26', 166 2 1027 4 876 2 Victoreen 18 16' 93 44S 2', 104 24 74 Compel Chlb Can So Pet CdnExp G8.0 Cdn jhomestd Cdn Jovelln CdnMarc Cdn Sup Oil CCI Corp Century Geo Chorter On Chief Mng Chromol .50 Cinerama CrrFoll 1 .301 Clonostot CobvrnCr .30 Com pu Dyne ComputSc .01 Condec Coro Conductron Con Leasing Con Oil Gas Cont Mater Coronet .40 Ctrvwlde Pit Cuhlr Corp Cutter A .36 1 sta press .60 StonWor 1.50 Stonwks 1.20 11'- dividend. t-Pold in stock durina 'i9 198 417 2 15 16 2'i 2' Ill 23-16 2 2 217 l'i I 410 7 6 1 172 17 17 755 6 6 6'. 109 11 10 1 105 3 3 311 16- i', 84 5 5 5 37 47 40 Vi 110 4 3 3 111 28 25'.

27', 2 111 14 12 13 1 148 14 13', 14', 100 2 2 2- 1136 35 30V, 35'i 5 113 13', 13'4 252 I8'. BT 147, 23 21 21 224 S'l 175 1 1 101 11 16 1 277 1 11, Vi 327 15 14 333 23 21 23 111 33 Folstaff .76 Fom 1.30 Fonsteet Met Far West Fin Fawlck FedderCp .60 FeclMoq 180 FedPac. Eler. FPac oil. 26 Fed PopBd I Pop pll 15 FedDStr 1.70 Fenestra Ferro Cp 1,70 Fibr Pap 1,40 FieldctM 1.20 Filtrol 2.80 Flnl Fed .991 Firestne 1.30 FstChrt 1.171 FstNotStr 2a FstWFn 1,501 Flsrhbrh 1,20 Fllntkote 1 65', 15'.

15', 54 53 35 35 IS 14T-, PacLtg pf4.75 PocLtg pf4.50 PacNwTel .96 Poc Nor Alrl PallCp A .32 Poncoast Pet ParvDoh Peel Elder Pentron El Perfect Phot Peru OilsM Phi Ips Elect Phill Eck .20 Phoenix 1,651 PionrAero .60 Pike Ampf 1 Plan Resrch Pant Ind Polarad El Potter Inst Proirle OH PrentHall .61 ProctorS Pyle Nat 89 1 82 3 19Vi 23 14 1 1 22 3 l'i 2- 33.4- '-I 2 5-16 31- 1 6 1 11 IV, 11 38- 1 23 2 l'i 5- 16 4 1-16-1-16 54Vi2 77 2 33 77 26 19'4 416 33 3l'i 97 8714 79 952 44 693.1 i', 613. 1 94 84 10- 18 1 54 1' 35'i 14 34 21 l'i 81 16 '1 35 62 2 31 21'- 17' 65', I', 24 W- 44 4 Stanray .60 StarrettLS 1 Viewlex Weiman Westates Pet Westby Fash Westec Corp WnNuclr .70 Williams Bro 1 144 6 5 213 19 17 127 11 10 77 40 37 6' 46 1 30'i 21 19 Corner 2240 46 45 9 3 70 78'4 29', 33 31 .11 30 26' 4 25' 60 51' 49'. cid-colled. x-Ex dividend. y-E Dlvl.

(tend and sales in full. x-dls-Ex dlstbu 81 HI CarrGenl 6 30'i 30't StaufC pf3.50 SterchiBr .80 1 161 1 188 191 29 59 XI4 230 12 416 255 23 48 2 31 9 450 17 16 .113 16'i 15', 121 24' 21 ImpChm 70 5 15-16 5 Indp'sPL 2 70 78Va 77 78' 1 Ind El Hord 166 8 8 IpcoHosp .36 136 35 29 34 5 IrvlnaAr 82 15 14'i 15 IV Jervis Corp 123 16'i 14 15 2 Kaiser Ind 483 10 10 Kaltman 331 6 5 5 KataDrug .25 154 28 25 27' Kaweckl Ch 168 25V3 22 25 JVi Kidde 1.3H 371 5F 51 55 4'i Kiembe 179 1.1 14 Kin Ark OH 89 4'4 4 4'i Vi Kysor Ind ,40 141 22' 11 21 l'i 767 179 254 74', 14'i ll'l )3'i 73 WmMcW 87 09'i 79 i 4' 3 6 501 4S'i 47'4 43' 7 l'i tributed. Issued. ndNixt SaV vi In hnnlrrnn-u a 740 41 'i 41 41 'i 4 377 14'i 1.3'i 13'. 102 221 299 17 16 CarferW .400 Cost Jl Castlo Ck 1 CoterTr 170 Coco CP 1.20 C4iloneseCp 2 Colon P1A4.50 Cenco Ini .30 34'i 24'e 1 671 15 2'k SterlDrug .80 StevensJP 2 SlewW 150b StokeVC StokeVC pf 1 Stone Web 3a StoneCont .50 StorerBdcst 1 4'i 35 34 641 60V'a 313 30 21 21 17 ITVa 6534 64 24 21'i 44 40' Wilshlre OH Wright Harg Xtra inc 168 .1 3V4 ictviversn oe being reorganued under the Bonkruotry Act, or securities assume hu J37 73'i 71'! 23 ST! I0'4 II 79 .86 J1 85 23 '4 372 4 Hi 39' i 40-n 214 1030 25 159 32 21 18'4 17'i ZapOffSh 1 oanies.

fn-Forelgn Issue tublect lerest equqll2allon tax. 1.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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The Indianapolis Star
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The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers. Whilst larger companies - Gannett, Tribune/News Media Group (owned by hedge fund Alden Global Capital), and Lee Enterprises all owned fewer papers in 2022 than in 2020, some regional chains saw increases.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.